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"Okay." Alex frowned as she replied to her mom.

"I haven't seen you in weeks. I'm kinda worried about you." Linda Roy sighed.

"Mom, I swear I'm okay. I just really want to be with Nathan right now. He needs me." Alex explained, sitting beside him on the plane.

It wasn't a long flight. She had slept most of it, while the guys bothered her. Now, they were sleeping and she was up. She sat and played with Nathan's hair. He was letting it grow out. She dragged her fingers along his jawline, feeling the stubble he was growing out as well. She smiled to herself.

"I get you're in love, but you have a family that cares about you and misses you." Linda began. "Nathan won't always be around, Hun."

Alex furrowed her brows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nathan's the hockey guy. He's going to go where he can and where he needs for hockey." Linda explained. "He isn't going to be thinking about where you're going when he's making the choices to further his career."

"Doesn't mean we can't make it work, ma." Alex rolled her eyes.

"I'm not saying you can't, but you two wouldn't be able to act this way. You and I both know that you won't chase him." Linda lectured.

"But I'm willing to make the distance work." Alex pouted, crossing her arms. "Can we talk about this when I'm home and not sitting beside my boyfriend?"

"When are you home, Alexandria?" Linda raised her voice.

"Mom, seriously?" Alex growled.

"How's your schooling?" Linda changed subjects. "Nathan's not distracting you, right?"

"I'm ahead in my classes and he helps me." Alex told her. "What has he done to make you resent him so much?"

"I don't resent him, hun. I just think you need to be home more." Linda sighed.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want to be home?" Alex pointed out. Her mom stayed silent. "I like being with Nathan, mom. For the first time in a long time, I'm happy and it's because of him. He's the reason I'm out of the slump I was in."

"You need to be happy because of yourself, not because of a boy." Linda hissed.

"I am happy because of myself! I found someone who finally made me realize what I deserve. Why can't you be okay with that?" Alex raised her voice.

"I'm glad you're happy, but you're also seventeen, Alexandria. You're off in this fantasy world when you should be focusing on your future." Linda ranted.

"Fantasy world? Mom, I'm with my boyfriend and his family everyday, that's pretty normal. You won't let me work so if that's what you were getting to, I don-"

"I'm talking about going everywhere with his team. You can't expect to be able to manage on your own when you're off chasing hockey players!" Linda yelled.

"I'll talk to you later." Alex said through gritted teeth before she hung up.

She sighed, turning her phone off. She slid it into her bag, sliding down her seat. She lifted her knees up and put them against the seat in front of her. That woke Jo up. He sat up, spinning around to look at her. She gasped, realizing she had woke him up. She sat up quickly.

"Sorry. I forgot you were sitting in front of me." She frowned.

"It's okay." He argued. "I needed to wake up anyway."

She nodded. She sat with her arms crossed over her chest. He rested his head on the head of his chair, watching her. Jo and Alex were pretty close. He was constantly with her, since she and Nathan were attached at the hip. Jo could tell something was wrong with her. She was usually peppy and full of witty comments, but not right now.

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