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Nathan didn't receive a text at all from Alex the next day. He was supposed to take her and Dana for dinner before he took them to the game. All the guys were flying in the after their games and they were having dinner at Alex's aunt's. He texted her but he was ignored. He couldn't look into it any further, seeing how his game was approaching. And with a final huff, he was up and out of his home to go to the rink.

His phone got a text from a contact he almost forgot he had. Dana sent him a message apologizing about them not coming for dinner and wishing him luck. He wanted to ask what was up with Alex, but he needed to get into game mode.

Mack sent him a text right when he went to leave his phone saying that he just landed and was planning to make it to his game. Nathan sent a reply before he went for the ice.

The Avs won their game. Nathan met up with Mack after the game. Nathan didn't even check his phone until they got to the bar for drinks and something to eat. When he did, he saw nothing. Alex still wasn't talking to him. The bartender set a beer down in front of him and he shook his head. Mack furrowed his brows at him. Nathan sighed as he looked to his friend.

"I gotta go to Alex's. She won't talk to me." He explained.

Mack nodded. "Let's go! I haven't seen Alex in forever." He clapped his shoulder leading him out.

They drove to her dorm. Nathan guided Mack up to her room. He scoped out every girl they passed. That was the Mack way. Nathan knocked on Alex's room door. There was no answer. He sighed and crossed the hall to Alexa and Kya's room. He knocked on their door. He knew someone was there since their was music playing and laughter. The music stopped after he knocked. Mack built up with excitement. An all girls dorm and they were knocking on a door full of them. Heaven.

The door flew open. Kya stood with a smile on her face. It faded when she looked at Nathan. He knew something was up. Kya's eyes trailed to Mack. He smiled and waved. She nodded at him before she looked back to Nathan and took a deep breath. He just looked down, earning a frown from Kya. She exhaled and squeezed his arm.

"She isn't here, bud. She's pretty upset." She explained.

Nathan nodded sadly. "Okay, thanks."

Mack frowned at his friend. "Could we come in for a bit? I don't mean to impose but Nathan needs good company right now."

"Are you planning on hitting on us?" She spat.

"No way!" He cried. She glared. "I mean you're beautiful but I know you're with Nathan's boy."

She rolled her eyes and walked into the room. The boys followed behind. Erica gave Kya a look. Kya silenced her. All of them were fully aware of where Alex was.

She had already left for her aunt's with Dana. Alexa was confused as to why, considering that Mack was supposed to stay there with her, but she also understood that Alex was upset. Nathan sat in the computer away from everyone while Mack sat right with them.

Mack talked with the girls for a good twenty minutes. Nathan just sat silently by himself in the chair. Erica was watching him ever so often. She hated that they knew but were keeping it from him.

His phone notified him of a text and he whipped it out fast as hell. He frowned, not bothering to reply when he saw it wasn't Alex. Erica sighed and texted Alexa and Kya. They all listened to Mack's story while they checked. Kya looked at Nathan then to Erica and nodded. Alexa nodded without even looking up. Erica sighed and stood up.

"Hey." She smiled as she approached Nathan. He nodded. "She's at her aunt's."


"She came back all freaked out and said she was leaving here so you couldn't come find her and went to her aunt's." She explained.

"So what? She won't talk to me if I show up there." He scoffed.

"She wants you to go find her. Every girl wants their guy to go find them after a fight." She rolled her eyes. "Are you that clueless? Maybe you shouldn't go find her so she d-"

"Erica?" He cut her off. She nodded. "Thank you."

He wrapped his arms around her as he shot up. He whistled and Mack looked over. Nathan gestured to the door and Mack nodded. They said their farewells to the girls before they walked out of the dorm. Nathan was almost in a run. Mack didn't know how he had that much energy when he just played a hockey game. He climbed into his car and started it before Mack even got in. He drove away before Mack was even buckled up.

"Where the fuck are we going?" Mack asked, clicking his seatbelt in place.

"Alex's aunt's."

"To drop my stuff off?"

"So I can talk to Alex."

"She's there?"

"No, that's why I'm going there to talk."

"You're a dick." Mack huffed.

Nathan smiled and drove. He was going to talk to Alex and he was going to make it okay. He was going to show up and let her know how important she was to him. He'd do anything to prove it. He turned onto her aunt's street and took a deep breath. Time to make it better.

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