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Gabe knocked on Alex's door, hesitantly. They just got back from a road trip. She texted him, asking if he could come over as soon as he got back. He asked her why and she just said she needed to talk to him. Now, Gabe wasn't a genius at reading girls, but he knew that was code for something being wrong. He rushed over after their flight landed. Alex hardly ever invited him over or willingly wanted him at her place, so he planned to make the best of it.

He didn't bother knocking and walked right in. Alex was laying on her bed with her back to the door. Her windows were open and her room was freezing. He closed the door and walked over to her. He shut the windows while reaching over her bed. She woke up as he did so, rolling over. She stared at him in confusion until he looked down. She took a deep breath when she remembered inviting him.

"Hey, sorry to wake you." He apologized as he sat on the edge of her bed.

She shook her head as she sat up. She held herself as she shivered. Her feet dangled off her bed beside Gabe. His were planted firmly. She envied his long legs. She tried to warm herself by rubbing her shoulders before she gave up and grabbed her blanket. She looked Gabe over. He would be such a pretty girl, probably because he was already a beautiful man. He had long eyelashes and beautiful eyes, a jaw structure women would kill for, and a nice body. He cocked a brow at her.

"You'd be a pretty girl." She informed him.

"You are a pretty girl." He smiled.

She rolled her eyes. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Gabriel."

"So what's up?" He asked.

Her smile faltered as she frowned. She wanted to talk to Gabe about it, but she was certain he'd yell at her. She called Gabe over Matt because, for one, Matt had a girlfriend he had to go home to first, and for two, she already knew what Matt would say. She looked to Gabe who was staring at her intently. She took a deep breath.

"Is Nathan doing alright?" She said in a quiet voice. "He looked tired at dinner and he's going through a dr-"

"No, he's not." Gabe cut her off. "Hasn't been since you snapped on him."

"Don't try to put this on me." She shook her head.

"I'm not. I just don't know why you care if you want him out of your life." He shrugged.

"Well, maybe I don't." She whispered.


"What, Gabe? You've never said something out of anger?" She hissed.

"I've never told the person I'm in love with them that I hate them and want nothing to do with them!" He exclaimed.

"I was upset and sick of being hurt. It just came out." She explained. He nodded and pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling Matt. I don't know what to say about this." He confessed.

Matt was there ten minutes later. He walked into Alex's room and straight to the bathroom. He came out two minutes later. He had a baseball cap on his head. He peeled his jacket off and was clad in an Avs shirt. He wore sweats on his legs. He sighed as he wheeled over Alex's desk chair and sat on it.

"So you don't hate Nathan," Matt spoke. "And you're asking about him."

"I still do care about him, I was just stressed out." She frowned.

"You don't tell someone you hate them because you're stressed out." He rolled his eyes.

"But I did and now I'm sorry for it." She took a deep breath. "I just want to apologize to him."

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