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Alex moped on her phone as she sat on Ryan's couch. Alexa had made her get out of the dorm and come out with the rest of them. Kya and Tyson were on their way, Matt was coming, Jamie McGinn, and probably a good half of the team. She had her feet tucked under her on one side of the couch while Ryan and Alexa were annoying on the other. There was a knock at the door and Alex shot up to answer it. She pulled the door open with a deep breath. Matt tossed his arms open and she jumped into them. She'd been avoiding everyone since the wedding. He gave her a big hug and guided her to the couch where he sat her down. He sat beside her. She heard the door close, her heart pounding. She looked and saw Jamie trailing in. She exhaled.

Matt noticed her uneasiness. "You alright?" He frowned.

She nodded. "I'll talk to you when Gabe and Tyson get here. I need to tell the girls too." She whispered.

He nodded and patted her head before he stood up. The guys went to grab beer and Alex was left with Alexa. They gave each other weird looks before a knock on the door scared them both. They both stood and walked over to the door. Alexa pulled it open and Erica and Gabe stood before them. Their cheeks were flushed. Alex narrowed her eyes. They smiled and walked in.

"Why are you two coming here together?" Alexa quizzed.

"We just met when we were walking up." Gabe explained.

Alex didn't buy it. Alexa gave Alex a look. Neither did she. They didn't bother with anymore questions since Erica and Gabe both made a beeline for the kitchen to grab some beers. Alexa and Alex decided to follow. Another knock caused them to stop. Alex shoved Alexa to tell her to continue while she went to the door. She pulled it open to Tyson and Kya. She left the door open and walked to the kitchen. They followed. Everyone grabbed a drink. Tyson and Ryan forced everyone to take shots. One shot was enough for Alex to realize she didn't want to drink.

"Al, what do you want for your birthday next month?" Ryan grinned.

Alex frowned. "I don't want anything big. Let's just go for dinner or something."

"Oh no, we have to compensate since you missed my birthday." Kya stated.

"I didn't get anything for mine!" Gabe whined.

"My sister was getting married! It wasn't my fault." Alex defended. "And you were on a road trip, Gabe."

"Could've came to me." He crossed his arms with a pout.

"We'll figure it out." Tyson said.

"Especially since my birthday's first." Matt spoke up.

"Okay, we haven't even gotten through Christmas." Erica pointed out. "Let's wait a bit."

Alex went back to her spot on the couch. More people kept showing up on their own. She realized Matt was a few drinks in and that she needed to talk to him soon. She walked over to him, Gabe, Jamie, and Erica. He noticed the look in her eyes and nodded. He excused himself. Being the person he was, Gabe followed. There was no way he was missing out on what was being said. Erica followed as well since she knew something was up with Alex. Tyson and Kya noticed as well and joined the group. Alexa gave Ryan a kiss before she chased after the group. They wound up in the kitchen.

"No one talk until I finish my entire story, deal?" Alex demanded. They all nodded. "While we were at the wedding, Nathan and I had to pretend we were together for the sake of my sister." A chorus of groans emerged. "It made me miss him and I don't know. I tried to get with him but we didn't and I just kinda poured a lot of shit on him and we haven't talked since."

"Well, what does that mean?" Alexa asked.

"I have no idea." Alex huffed.

"You need to talk to him." Kya sighed.

"And you're lucky because look who just walked in." Erica said, nodding towards the doorway.

Alex looked and spotted Nathan. She took a deep breath. She walked right over to him. He jumped a bit when she approached him. He didn't realize she'd be there. He knew what was coming next. Without a word, he nodded. He took her hand and guided her to one of the rooms down the hall.

He closed the door behind them. She sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him. He flicked on the light before he walked over. He let out a sigh as he sat beside her. They were quiet.

"We need to talk about it." Alex breathed. "We're both going to go crazy if we don't."

"I know! I just can't think of the words." He growled.

She took a deep breath. "Look, Nathan, I don't know how you feel but all I know is that I feel the same way I did when I was six years old and admiring you from afar. The feeling that lasted all those years to when you finally noticed me too and they won't just go away. I've tried to make them."

He smiled a bit. He grabbed her hands in his. His thumb rubbed over the back of her hands. She watched him as she waited for him to say something. He had so many thoughts and feelings running through him. He couldn't think of what to say. He looked up into her eyes. She was staring at their hands. He took a silent breath. He licked his lips, squeezing his eyes shut as he thought of what to say. She looked at his face.

"I look at you, Al, and I'm still so in love with you. And it scares me." He confessed. "I'm also scared because I hurt you before and you're still angry and I d-"

"I was angry for a long time but I'm not anymore. I'm just exhausted and I miss you. I just want you back." She explained, her eyes watering.

"Then it's done. No more games, Alex." His voiced boomed. "From now on, we're together or we aren't. None of these games."

"If we're together, stop talking and kiss me." She hissed.

He stared into her eyes. They were near glaring at each other. Nathan caved, grabbing her face as he brought his lips to hers. She held his arms as they kissed. It was different from the kissing they had done at the wedding. It was a real kiss. It was the kiss both had been waiting for for weeks now. She pulled back slowly, pecking his lips again. Their foreheads stayed pressed as they breathing was heavy. A smile broke across her face. He laughed a bit.

"So, a new team for us to drive crazy?" She mumbled.

He nodded against her forehead and kissed her again. After a nice make-up-make-out session, they decided to walk out to their friends. She walked behind him, holding his hand.

When they stepped into the living room, everyone's eyes locked on them. Alex smiled, holding onto his hand with both of hers while she rested her face on his arm. He smiled at everyone. All their friends had a mixture of expressions. Some had grins while some looked shocked.

"No one has anything to say?" Alex laughed.

"About fucking time!" Jamie exclaimed. Everyone looked at him. "I'm hardly around and I know how long this bullshit's been going on!"

Everyone looked around at each other before they burst into laughter. The attention was drawn away from Nathan and Alex and everyone went on with what they were doing. Nathan guided Alex to the kitchen. She sat on the counter while he stood in front of her. He needed to give her the present he had got. He pulled the box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"I know your sister got you that necklace and it's way nicer than mine was, so I fixed it." He told her and opened the box. "It's a bracelet now so you can still wear it."

"Nathan," She cooed as he clasped it on her wrist.

"I just want you to always have a little part of me with you, since I'll be tra-"

She cut him off by kissing his lips. Her hands held his neck as her lips held his. He stood between her legs and held her waist, keeping their bodies as close as possible. A flash went off and the shutter sound followed. They pulled apart and looked over. Kya was grinning with Tyson by her side. Nathan and Alex both laughed. Kya waved as she pulled Tyson away. Nathan turned back to Alex.

"I guess we can continue adding to that photo album now." He smiled.

She nodded. "Continue where we left off."

"I'm pretty sure we left off with you in my bed." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes, shoving him back. He grabbed her hands and pulled himself back to her. He kissed her once again. He was happy. He felt truly happy. She felt the same.

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