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Alex couldn't get the smile on her face to fade. She listened to the guys conversing with Dana. Nathan had an arm around her as she leaned against him. He'd look over at her once in a while to give her a peck. Zach made gagging noises every time. Darcy told a story about him and some girl that was stalking him. Alex had helped him get out of it by calling her and pretend to be his girlfriend. Nathan whined and asked why he couldn't have used someone else. That's when Alex realized how much was missing.

Leah had disappeared from everyone's lives. Alex had tried to contact her recently but she had been blocked on all Leah's social medias. Marina had moved away for school and fallen into the wrong crowd. She was into a lot of drugs and although Alex tried to keep contact, Marina was having none of it.

Denise had just faded. There was no real reason why. Bridgette had lost her place in the group after she cheated on Cam, with his own teammate. Alex tried to talk to her about that to see what had happened, but there was no real reason. So they stopped talking to her. Melissa was too busy planning a wedding to come but she sent her best wishes.

"I ran into Melissa a while back!" Zach exclaimed. "She's put on some weight."

"Really? She was always so in shape. I envied her in high school." Dana huffed.

"I wanted her body so badly." Alex laughed.

"You were perfectly fine in high school." Nathan argued.

"You have to say that because I was sleeping with you." She rolled her eyes.

"He still is." Darcy smirked.

Nathan winked at Darcy. Alex saw it and whacked his chest. He smiled and kissed her. She squeezed his face while he did so. Dana cooed. She always wanted a relationship like Nathan and Alex. Everyone did. Jo frowned.

It made him miss Leah. She was the one girl he actually loved and she just left him. Stefan noted the tension and pulled the couple apart.

"Where's Norma?" Dana asked.

Alex shrugged. "Probably out buying food for tomorrow."

"She's my favourite." Darcy sighed. "Total milf."

"Darcy!" She gasped. "That's my aunt!"

"Just being honest." He grinned.

She shook her head. The rest of the night the group just sat together. Nathan and Alex were back to their normal selves. Everything seemed like their time back in Halifax. She was laying against his chest, his legs spread so she could sit between them.

His arms were around her, holding her hands that were holding her phone. She was playing a game and he was helping. She made a move and he groaned, yelling about how dumb it was. She argued. Jo was watching them. Not to be creepy, just to admire them. Alex noticed and smiled at him.

She sat up, extending a hand to him. "Come with me, please."

He nodded, grabbing her hand. She led him to the back porch. She rested against the railing, staring at Jo. He knew she was about to investigate the break up. He just kept his hands in his pockets and looked around. She rolled her eyes, pulling him over to her. He sighed. She cocked a brow at him. She knew that he was fully aware of what she wanted from her.

"The truth please." She spoke, crossing her arms.

He took a deep breath. "I don't know! We were good, I was always texting, calling, video calling her. She seemed happy! I didn't see anything wrong!"

"Jo, it's okay." Alex frowned, grabbing his hand.

"She started ignoring my calls, replying really dryly to my texts. I assumed she just missed me so I flew out to see her after my game in Detroit on her birthday. She was just kinda blah but she was being touchy and lovey with me. She cried when I left and everything." He continued.

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