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"I can't believe you're doing this." Erica sighed as she watched Alex get ready.

"Look, it might seem crazy to you but I can't deal with Nathan not being in my life in the slightest." Alex explained as she applied her make up.

"Oh, it's totally crazy but I totally understand." Erica scoffed. "I'm talking about the fact that you're wasting such a hot dress on this."

Alex rolled her eyes. She finished up her make up and put it in the drawer she stored it in. She looked to Erica who was smiling at her. Erica walked over and flipped Alex's hair in certain ways. She stepped back to admire her work. She nodded before handing Alex the clutch she placed all her things in. Alex took a deep breath before she nodded at Erica. She trekked out of the room and across the hall to Kya and Alexa's room. The three were going together. They'd invited Erica but she had homework. She walked in and they were both finishing off.

"Fuck, Alex." Kya gasped when she looked at her.

"The best way to have your apology accepted is with a little curve and a lot of leg." Alex smirked as she kicked her leg to the best her dress would let her.

"You'll get more than your apology accepted. You'll probably get groped in the bathroom and a booty call." Alexa said as she looked Alex up and down. "By me alone."

"Guys, please." Alex laughed.

The three called a cab. They climbed in and it took them to the club. They went straight to the front of the line. It wasn't even necessary for Alexa or Kya to give their names because security let the three in for being hot. They stayed close as they snaked through bodies. Ryan spotted Alexa leading the girls. He stepped into her view and a smile spread across her face. She gave him a kiss when they met. Kya went over to Tyson and did the same. Alex looked to Matt, who had his lips puckered. She laughed.

"You look great tonight." Tyson whispered into Kya's ear.

"You all look fantastic. Was your plan to not be seen tonight, Al?" Ryan asked Alex.

She smirked. She was in head to toe black. She made up a story about how she was hiding in the shadows but as soon as a light hit her, whoever saw her would fall in love. Tyson cheered her on for having such high hopes. She laughed. After a bit of chatting, she asked Matt to accompany her to the bar. He obliged and off they went. He ordered himself a beer and her a water. The bartender cocked a brow at the request and Matt explained Alex's age.

Alex was off in her own little world. She was sitting on a bar stool as Matt leaned on the bar in front of her. She was staring around, her eyes wandering. Not so much wandering as searching. She spotted who she was looking for. Nathan was sitting on a couch, girls surrounding him. She understood why. He looked good. She was surprised to not see Gabe at his side.

"Where's Gabe?" Alex asked, turning back to Matt.

He drank from his beer as his giant hand handed her, tiny hand, a small, plastic glass of water, that he was convinced he was going to snap. She chuckled at Matt being so careful. She took a long sip before resting it on her thigh. He looked over to where she had previously been staring. He knew she didn't want to be sitting with him.

"Didn't come out tonight. Captain stuff, maybe? I don't know or care enough to find out." He shrugged.

She smiled at that, her eyes trailing back to the couch. "Probably has a g-"

"Go over and see him." Matt cut her off. She turned in confusion. "Nathan. You're dying to go over there so go."

"I can't just leave you." She frowned.

"Then I'll leave you so you have an excuse to go over." He stated. He spun around and spotted a group of girls. "Hey, ladies."

They swallowed him into their group with open arms. Alex shook her head while she laughed. She finished her drink and set the empty cup on the bar. She stood, adjusting her dress. She had her eyes set on her target and a plan to watch him crash. She walked through the bodies. Guys made passes at her but she ignored them. She was thankful no one tried to grab her. She reached the couch and ran over.

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