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Alex was more than relieved her first night back home. She had missed Halifax, who wouldn't miss that place? The entire flight back, she was so worried about seeing Kathy and Graham. She was convinced they hated her. When Nathan and Alex walked into the airport, Kathy hugged Alex before she even looked at her son. It was obvious that neither MacKinnon had any resentment towards Alex.

The next day was the shower. Alex got ready and then woke Nathan so he could. He didn't take much time to get ready. She sat downstairs and watched TV. She heard Nathan coming down the stairs so she shut it off. She stood up and walked into the hall to slide on her shoes. Nathan felt winded when he saw her. She never failed to look amazing.

"You're gonna steal the show from Melissa in that." He sighed as he came towards her.

"I'm in jeans and a shirt." Alex rolled her eyes.

"And you look beautiful." He shrugged.

"Oh, shut up." She shook her head.

They drove to Melissa's house. When they pulled up, it was clear that most of the party had arrived. Nathan found somewhere to park around the corner. They walked hand in hand up to her house. Alex rang the doorbell before she walked in, Melissa spun around and cheered, her stomach protruding. Alex grinned and hugged her friend around her baby bump. Melissa hugged Nathan while Alex hugged Melissa's boyfriend, Jake. Melissa turned and reached for Alex.

"Come upstairs with me. We need to catch up away from everyone." Melissa instructed.

She waddled her way to the stairs with Alex following. Mel made Alex go ahead of her on the stairs so she wouldn't have to wait for her. Alex hopped up them and watched her friend climb them. She laughed and Mel rolled her eyes. She finally got to the top and into her room she went. Alex sat on the bed and smiled as Mel folded some things. Her glow was evident.

"I can't believe this, Mel. I am so happy for you." Alex sighed watching her.

"It means so much that you and Nate could come out for this." Melissa confessed. "It's all so hectic and you've always kept me sane."

Alex smiled. "I'm glad I'm here! You must be crazy happy though!"

Melissa's shoulders slouched. "I, yeah, I'm,"

Alex watched her shoulders shake."Mel," Alex frowned.

Melissa turned and tears were rolling down her cheeks. She walked over and sat beside Alex, flopping into her lap. Alex rubbed her back as she cried. She didn't understand. Wasn't having a baby with someone you loved supposed to be an amazing feeling? Melissa sat up and wiped her face. She took a shaky breath.

"It's ruined everything, Al. I was in school on a basketball scholarship that I'm now going to lose because I can't play with this." She pointed at her stomach. "Everything I've worked for is gone now because of this stupid fucking baby!"

Alex sat in shock. She had no idea what to say or how to deal with this. She just frowned at Melissa. The door slowly opened and Nathan stepped in. Alex let out a silent breath. Her hero. He saw the state Melissa was in and frowned before he closed the door and walked over. He sat on the opposite side of her, pulling her into a hug.

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