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Minho and Jisung

"Hyung, can you hear me?" Jisung called out from behind the control panel, attentively looking at his older brother, all strapped up behind the glass. All he needed to do was press the start button, and yet for some reason he couldn't. The sole thought that they couldn't make it because he had lost was getting to him more and more by the second. It all happened so fast, Minho getting in there, making the decision for him to play. He'd turn back to get himself in there if he could, so at least he wouldn't have to bare all that responsibility om his shoulders, but the heavy click when the door closed made clear Minho wasn't getting out of there until the game was won.

There was no answer though from Minho, as he heard nothing but a whirring sound around him. He was still trying to adjust the straps to at least a less uncomfortable position while he still could. Within a couple of seconds Jisung would start the game anyways, and from them on he wouldn't have any control over his body anymore. He felt bad for leaving Jisung in the dark, and from the gaze on his little brother's face it was clear to see he was stressed out, but it was better than him potentially dying. He could still feel the paper in the back of his pocket, something he hoped Jisung wouldn't ever have to see.

"I'm starting it!" Jisung shouted as loudly as he could. Minho probably wouldn't hear him anyways, but that was fine. At least he tried. As soon as he pressed the green start button, the game stage lit up. And now truly, the both could see what the stage looked like. It felt like an exact replica from the first stage in super Mario, starting with the three blocks, followed by the stairs, a robotic Goomba ready in it's place. Minho gulped. It was as good as as big as him. He knew Jisung had done this before, but only now was the actual nervousness setting in, especially as the countdown started.

"3... 2... 1... go!"

Slowly but surely, the Goomba started moving, the scenery still staying still further. Minho glanced over at Jisung, as he suddenly felt his body lifting up for a quick jump. He moved backwards, forward, and jumping again. Jisung must have been trying to get used to the buttons. "Hyung!" Jisung shouted out. "I'm just gonna go straight to the end! It never said we needed anything right? Just to finish the level?" Still no answer, but Jisung just went with it. He'd done the speed runs enough to know that was the safest option, avoiding more possible run in's with enemies. So no power ups, no worrying about the pipe lines or coins, just getting Minho straight to the end. Besides, the timer given on his screen was enough to stress him out about that.

Finally Minho's body started actually moving forward, in the right direction. While the Goomba was getting closer, Jisung was sure to jump on the block to avoid it, following right on the steps after. One up, two up. Perfect. Down to the ground, going up, and once more over the Goomba, landing on the pipe line. Jisung paused for a second, seeing the second Goomba already waiting. Minho had meanwhile closed his eyes. Not seeing what was coming was probably better. It would probably do nothing but stress him out more. He just had to focus on his breathing, and let Jisung do the rest.

As the second Goomba was now almost at the pipe, Jisung pressed jump again. He was actually getting the hang of this.  This was no different than he'd been practicing at home. Jumping over the cliff, onto the next part. Avoiding the giant making mushroom, he jumped on the blocks to avoid another incoming Goomba. Then just jumping far enough to reach- "FUCK" Jisung yelled out, as Minho had almost falling in. Right, left, right, left, quick, quick. He was now on the ground again, only needing to make the jump again. This time, making it, just before the Goomba could reach back to Minho. He let out a sigh of relief. That was close.

Onto the pipe line, you could see a Koopa Troopa on the wait. Ah, of course. Those were already here too this level, of course. He had never been great with those, so if he could avoid them here, he would. He'd always shoot the shell away, only to be hit by it again as it shuffled back. He had to avoid that at all cost here. First on the blocks hanging in front again, jumping right over it. First one secured. Now the hard part came though. He could either stay down, where a Goomba was sure to walk into him, or go up on the next set of blocks, with the chance of walking into the Koopa Troopa.

He had to risk it, no matter how much he disliked it. There were likely no second chances here, so he had to get this right. He jumped up, instantly pressing the button again to jump on the block above as the Koopa Troopa was right under him. He jumped back down as the Koopa Troopa continues, landing back on the next pipe line. Though Minho had no idea what had been going on around him, he couldn't help but let out a small smile. "You're doing well Jisung!" he yelled out, keeping his eyes firmly closed. Thank goodness, so far so good... Jisung smiled as he watched Minho's expression change, already seeing the white flag right after too. That meant they were halfway there.

He could make this... he had to. For Minho. This time he was the one who had to save them both, rather than always being saved.

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