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All the characters are the same expect Ridhimma and they will be many new roles also.

Chapter 1: 

Ishani is making everyone life hell with her actions about the wedding. All are feeling sad for Angre because they know how Ishani is going to make his life hell. Ishani who feels because of the baby she is being forced to marry Angre wants to kill the unborn baby and consumes alcohol. 

By the time, everyone notices, she is in an unconscious state. When everyone rushed to the hospital, the doctor clearly states Ishani and the baby are in critical condition and they can't save both. 

After a lot of pleads and threaten from the family, Dr Niddhi confesses that only one person who can do the operation is Dr R known as Dr Farishtey. But the same time Dr Niddhi says it been two years Dr R is not doing surgeries and no one knows where is she!

Ridhimaa is who covering herself from the doctor eyes don't know what to do and goes away from the place to pray. While Vansh asks for the image of the Dr R so he can search for her and get do the operation. 

Dr Niddhi: I don't have her picture. I never saw her only. However, she is a role model for every medical student. She is the only doctor in the world who has expertise in Neurology, Cardiology, Pyshchriatistry, Physiotherapy along with Orthopedics and General Surgeon 

Vansh: If she, not a gynaecologist then why are you referring here?

Dr Niddhi: As said she is General Surgeon and at the same time she knows very well about every pulse and nerve in the body. If she is on board, she will take care of the rest of the things and we will take care of the baby. If she is not on board then it is difficult for every one of us. 

Vansh: Try to give me some more information, so I can find her. 

Dr Niddhi: Sorry, Mr Rai Sighania I don't have any information about her. 

(she gets a call and walkway, everyone is depressed about her and no one gave a thought about Ridhima. Even Kabir don't know what to do and he is searching for Ridhima but she is nowhere to be seen)

Dr Niddhi - Mr Rai Sighnaia, God has blessed us. Dr R has just called and said she is ready to do the surgery. She will be here with us in the next 5 -10 minutes. She already gave the details what needed to be done from our side. Therefore, I will go and prepare for the team. Now don't worry because Dr R never and ever made a mistake. She is a doctor who always saves patients and reduced their pain. Which is why we call her Dr Farishtey. 

(Ridhima walks into the hospital and says to Vansh she is going to temple to pray for Ishani and will come in some time. Dadi and everyone agree for it so do Vansh.)

Everyone in the hospital is waiting for Dr R to walk in and see the enthusiasm and the happiness in their eyes, whole Rai Singhania family were awestruck. Then comes a girl whose face is covered with mask and face shield and calls Dr Niddhi name directly and says to direct her to the operation theatre. While going she looks into Vansh eyes and for some reason, Vansh feels he knows the person behind the mask. 


Every person in the surgery is so happy that their dream came true. They are assisting Dr R in the operation. Vansh who doesn't trust anyone has cornered the director of the hospital and is in the balcony of the OT where he can see the surgery being performed on his sister with Angre.

Once again those eyes have looked at him and conveyed his sister will be fine. He doesn't know why he is unknowingly falling for those eyes.

The operation has started and everyone in the OT is shocked to when R has cut the body there is no blood. Everyone for a second thought they are operating on a dead body but that is the style of Dr R.

Once the surgery started everyone thought it will continue for hours as it is a lengthy operation, but the way she is indicating everyone they are amused to see it is being done in 2 hours itself. They always heard about her hands on the operation table and today they all are awestruck to see the way her hands working like a magic. They never and ever saw someone whose hands are so delicate yet are working like wonders. She said operation successful and left the theatre. 


By the time everyone came outside to say Thank you, the nurse says Dr R left saying the patient and the baby both are fine and they need plenty of rest. All are shocked to know how come she left like that. 

Dr Niddhi: She's just like that. Two years before she is the star of the medical world. Don't know what happened two years ago, ever since no one heard about her. I don't know from where she got to know about Ishani but she saved your sister life Mr Rai Sighania. 

(Ridhima walk-in with the prasad) 

Ridhima: Did the operation went well? 

Dadi: Ha! Some doctor named R performed the surgery and it went well. 

Vansh: Looks into Ridhima eyes and feels Dr R also shared the same eyes. 

Did you go to Temple? 

Ridhima: Yes, if I don't go from where I got the Prasad.

Kabir: She didn't go temple. I lost her in the mid-way. Where she went in the first place? Why she is lying to Vansh. I need to know where she went?

Precap: Ishani angry about being saved

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