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Everyone is preparing for the bonfire party and all are happy to see Yug. Everyone is waiting for Ridhima mesmerizes all with the natural beauty. Vansh who saw her in jeans and crop top blown by her beauty and Ishani too feels jealous of her. 


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Aryan: Hot chick! 

Dadi: Aryan, don't forget your relationship. Be in your limits. 

Aryan: Dadi, that's just mannerism to tell a girl she is looking hot. What mistake I did?

Vansh: I think you remembered the gift I gave you last time when you spoke about Ridhima. If you are expecting me to shower love on you again, I'm willing to do.

Aryan knows the consequences if he messes with Ridhima and her relationship with Vansh keeps quiet by listening to Vansh's sweet warning. 

Vansh: Good choice. 

Though Vansh has reprimand Aryan, he can see how beautiful Ridhima is and though for her it is very casual for her to wear the dress; But for him, he wants to kill everyone who is watching her like this. 

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All are happy to see Yug and Ridhima being part of this bonfire party and playing pranks on each other and pulling each other legs. Ridhima who is watching all this having a smile on her face and happy to see everyone are smiling. 

Mrs Radha: I'm happy to see  you happy 

Ridhima: smiles. You know the reason why I'm happy. 

Mrs Radha: Of course I know. You feel happy when you see people around you spread smiles 

Ridhima: Smile is a contagious disease which has no cure. One should smile no matter what situation they face in their life. 

Mrs Radha: Everyone cannot be as brave as you. People will break when they hit by something in their life.

Ridhima: Who said I'm brave maa? Do I look like one? I'm the timidest girl in the world. I put a smiling face every day that doesn't make me brave. 

Mrs Radha: You always say this, however, I know what pain you have endured becoming what you are today. It is not an easy path for you to overcome everything that you went through. 

Ridhima: Sometimes, I feel like everything is hopeless and gloomy. But even though it is hopeless, I have Faith. Faith that your dreams will come true if you never give up and if it is meant to be, you'll meet them. 

Yug: See whom we have here. The girl who always talks about the shit like faith and destiny.

Ridhima: I'm not asking you to believe. Faith and destiny, I believe in them. If they don't exist, why would words exist for them? 

Ridhima leaves from the place. 

Mrs Radha: Why do you always behind her. Even I lost my daughter. Why do blame for what happened? She told you about Maya. You didn't listen to her and she felt you are happy with her with a change of times Maya will change. She thought for your best, however it turned out to be bad. What do you get by hurting her with your actions and words?

Yug: Maa, didn't you say she is the brave girl you have ever seen. Now you are speaking as if she the timidest girl like she said. 

Mrs Radha: It's not that she's brave because she doesn't know any better. I call her brave because despite knowing how scary it can be, she doesn't turn her back on the people and situation. 

Yug, I know you care for her, yet your heart is with full of hatred. Not because we lost Ayana. You are hurt because Ridhima has lied to you. I would request you to keep alive the moments which you both spent as best friends and don't drag this. Life is too short Yug. You might regret not giving her another chance. 

Saying this, Mrs Radha leaves from the place, leaving Yug in his thoughts. 

Yug: Yes, it is me. Now come down

Ridhima: No, I like to stay on top 

Yug: If you come down I will listen to you. Now come down 

Ridhima: Pucca, you will listen to me? Pinky promise? 

Yug: Pinky promise, now come down

Mrs Radha comes to take Ridhima away from Yug, howbeit, Yug stops her saying he will take care of her. Mrs Radha who knows Yug will take care of Ridhima will agree to it and Vansh is disappointed that Yug will take care and he is worried at the same time knowing what he will do now. If he takes any advantage of her, he is ready to kill him the next moment. 

Precap: Ridhima's confession

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