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Vansh calls everyone to the hall and reaches near Anupriya. Anupriya never witnessed such anger of Vansh feels her truth might be out. However, she maintains her posture and questions him.

Anupriya: Vansh what happened? Why are you so angry?

Dadi: what happened?

Vansh: One thing which I don't like is betrayal and liars. Now I feel my family members are liars and betrayers. I can handle the treachery from outside but if my family is the only backstabbing me then? I should set limits right

Dadi: Who is this person?

Ishani: It might be Ridhima Dadi. Who can hurt bhai other than her

Dadi: Ridhima cannot hurt Vansh. Please tell us who is this?

Vansh: Anupriya Rai Singhania

All are shocked to know about Anupriya being the one and Anupriya questions Vansh

Anupriya: What did I do?

Vansh: Many things mom. I trusted you. I never expected to be hurt by you. Why did you?

Anupriya: I didn't do anything

Vansh: Enough! Let me remind you of what you did. You are the one who has burned the painting of my mother Uma. You're the one who pushed Ridhima to coal room along with Ishani. You're the one who has poisoned watermelon to hurt Ridhima.

Why Mom? Why did you go to such extent? I clearly don't understand why you all have a problem with her that you are giving her pain to such extent?

And mom you? You have burned the painting and when I was blaming her, you stood and enjoyed the whole act.

Bravo Mom! such shameless person you are

Anupriya: Enough Vansh. It was Ridhima who blackmailed me and said not to reveal to you?

Vansh: Blackmailed? I mean with what she can blackmail you? And why would she do that? She knows if she agrees on the mistake, I might kill her or through her out of VR Mansion, then why she would do that?

Anupriya: Because she thought to win your heart?

Vansh: win my heart? My foot. Don't lie Mom. Ridhima never tried to please me. Yes, I doubt her. Even this moment I doubt on her. But she never tried anything to please me or make a place in my heart. And yes, you said she blackmailed you. So with what evidence she is doing it? And why did you tried to kill her?

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