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Vansh has returned to his room to see what Ridhima is doing and he unable to see the drive. He has searched his entire private room but he didn't get it. The moment he came to the hall to ask who entered his room, he saw whole his family watching what is happening with Ridhima in AF. 

Vansh: Who entered my room and picked the drive? Didn't I say no one should touch the drive and watch about her? 

Ishani: Then why, you are watching alone? If you can, we can also. 

Vansh: Ishani............. 

Dadi: Vansh, if you are watching alone, then don't. You have a habit of mistrusting people and if you see something which you don't like, you might distrust Ridhima, which I don't want to happen. So, let's all watch together, if not give me the drive so that none will be watching it.

Vansh: Dadi, I 

Dadi: Vansh, yes or no? 

Vansh: Okay


Mrs Radha: How come you are so early this time? 

Ridhima: I missed you so much Maa 

Mrs Radha: Drama Queen

Ridhima: Oww! Drama Queen and me? I won't agree with it at all, give me some other title. 

Mrs Radha: You're one and the one who understands you, will be agreeing with the title. 

Ridhima: Ma, you always tease me. (Pouts) 

Mrs Radha: I forgot to tell you, Yug is coming today and for god sake, I don't want any more fights between you both. Please behave like grown-ups. 

Ridhima: Maa, you always support him because he is your son. Why would you support an orphan? 

Mrs Radha: Ridhima................................ 

Did I ever treat you like that? 

Ridhima: Maa, I 

Mrs Radha: Don't! I want you both to have a simple and normal conversation. Why is it so hard for you guys to talk? It has been two years, why don't you guys move on from what happened? 

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