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Vansh stood gazing at the sky from the secret den. He thoughts filled with many various emotions.  Rudr - his chachu, he always suspected his chachu but, to this extent, he never thought.  Vansh is feeling ashamed of being a Rai Singhania. He made sure to carry the pride of his name but, now he wants to leave everything. He turns towards Angad and Yug and asks,

"Does Ridhima know about this?" 

Angad: No. We are not going to reveal anything Vansh. We are going to finish this as soon as possible. Ridhima has suffered so much, now to give her more pain is not something we both are looking forward. We will kill Rudr along with Kabir and close this chapter for once and all. 

Vansh: Kill? 

Yug: If you cannot be part of this plan, we both are sure to kill you also. 

Vansh: (laughs) I'm glad you are with Ridhima. I'm ready to kill anyone who hurts my family. Rudr Rai Singhania has caused enough destruction, I agree, we need to finish his game. How you guys go with it? Don't tell me he needs to confess his crimes. No one needs to reveal anything before anyone. We know the truth. This time I will end the game. Are you guys in? 

Both Yug and Angre look at each other and says, "We are in."

Vansh: Good. Angad, I will bring Chachu to the warehouse and be prepared with the things you need to kill a person. I would say take it from our warehouse only and let's finish this game. Regarding Kabir, I will make sure to take care of it myself. 

Once Vansh leaves, Yug questions Angad, "Don't you think the plan is so easy? I mean to bring him and kill him? Why do I feel Vansh is going to play his own game by being part of this game? 

Angad: I agree. However, we need to see what his plan is. Trust me Yug, if Vansh Rai Singhania doubles cross us, then he is going to die.


Vansh reaches to Ridhima's house and the moment she opens the door he hugs her. Ridhima can sense he is disturbed due to something. She hugs and closes the door. 

Vansh: Ridhima, the life I live is very different from what you wanted. I love you. But, I don't have the confidence to let you go. That’s why you let go of me first.

Ridhima (whimpers): I’m going to become someone that you can lean on. I’m going to become stronger. So I can protect you.

Vansh: I’m sorry for having you know me, for making you waver. Go back to the time when you didn't know me. Go back & meet a man better than me & live a happy life every day

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