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Vansh enters into the mansion and opens the door of the room in which he locked Angre. Angre understands that Vansh has given a chance to Ridhima. 

Vansh: I know what you are thinking Angre. Yes, I have given her a chance where she can reflect on her past mistakes. That doesn't I will forgive her so easily. She has hurt me. 

Angre: I know Boss. I won't force you to accept her too. I'm glad the truth is before our eyes. Tomorrow, no one would be using the story to hurt you and bhabi. I feel that even if someone wants to use this as a tool to separate you both, they will fail eventually in their plans.  

Vansh: I took my chance on that 1% probability. I figured I should ask her out for not to have any regrets in future. Ridhima didn't disappoint me. However, I'm hurt besides I need time. Keep an eye on her further activities and Kabir also. 

Angre: Sure, Boss! 

Vansh enters his room and sits looking at the sky. He never knows why he is always the person who gets hurt. He never wanted anything other than having a peaceful life. However, he understands that to gain peace in one's life, they need to endure the pain and pay the cost for it. Since a kid, he was grown up by listening to his father that his mother betrayed him. Then came Ragini. She did the same thing. Now, Ridhima. Why the women in his life only know how to give the pain. 

He wanted to kill Ragini but he couldn't. He kept her alive for his reasons besides he wants something from Ragini, then he will decide her fate. With Ridhima, it was different. Why the hell her trusted her with her side of the story? He could have shot her. Then his heart said if he does that, he will regret the rest of his life. 

Vansh: There are hundreds of I's inside of me and I’m facing a new I again today! Everyone makes mistakes Ridhima. But if you did something wrong, it’s more important that you try to make it right. Therefore, I have given this second chance to you. Hope, you won't hurt me again. 

Day 4 

A new day marks a new beginning. To begin something new is not easy; if tried enough one can do it. Ridhima couldn't sleep last night. Her whole life was playing before her eyes. The nightmares, the cries, those tears, the blood and many things she wished she wouldn't come across in her life.

Ridhima (Mind): "Forget your enemy, but never forget a kind gesture."She has to repay the kindness Uma maa has showered on her. It's time she pulls up her socks and completes this mission. 

Ridhima picks the phone and calls Angad to know what's happening in VR Mansion.


Ridhima: Angad, how are you?

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