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Mrs Radha: What are you? 

Ridhima: Maa, I'm afraid? 

Mrs Radha: Afraid of what?

Ridhima: This kind of fear I'm experiencing after ages. Maa, I don't know what to do. I have always been the girl who followed the heart. Even when I was with Dr Blonde I told him the heart is the one which gives solutions for everything in the world. The mind is the one which makes things complicated. I always did whatever my heart said. If it said jump I took a leap of faith and jumped but never checked whether I'm jumping into the well which has water or stones? But today for the first time, I'm fighting between mind and heart. 

Heart says, trust me and mind says whatever happened in the past it is also my decision. I don't know what I'm now. I feel whatever I made as my world, isn't my world anymore. Because heart saying that is not reality and the reality is something which I have now before mine eyes. Then why did the heart was with me back then? I was happy and so do my heart? Today, why my heart is saying this is something which we longed not what we have in the past? What is this maa? 

Mrs Radha: Ridhima, there is a slight difference between like and love. People assume like as love. When you like something you need it in your life and to make sure it be in your life, you can go to any length. You feel happy when you have it near you. You take care of it as your precious little thing. Also, Ridhima, like fills the gap of the heart. For instance, we want to go on a trip but due to some reasons, we didn't. Now to make sure no one is hurt, we will plan some small trip like going to the beach, movie or a picnic. That is not what we wanted initially, but still, we are happy with this because we liked it. Out like has filled the gaps of love. Though we couldn't do what we love, nonetheless we did something we liked. However, we don't understand this. We just feel we are happy. 

In the same way, whatever you felt for Kabir is liking. Not love. You have filled the aloofness of your heart with Kabir. However, today whatever you are feeling for Vansh is the love which your heart longed for. I won't say you weren't happy at that time. You were Ridhima but today just compare the happiness with Vansh. You feel happy by being with Vansh, not Kabir. You long for Vansh, not Kabir. You can't hurt Vansh but you are ready to push Kabir away from you and hurt him. 

Ridhima, you are feeling guilty for Kabir right now because you did what Kabir said because you don't want to lose him. You don't want to lose the person because he has filled the gaps of your heart with the happiness which was never been in your life. Ridhima, come out of the guilt and face it. Tell truth to Kabir and Vansh also. Close it with Kabir forever and start a life with Vansh. He might be hurt because you came as a spy in his life but he will understand if he truly loves you. 

Also, if you ask me, I don't know why I feel this Kabir so strange. How can he ask his love to marry someone for the sake of the mission? His mission might be very important for him, yet he shouldn't have asked this from you Ridhima. Then that says, his love is also not true. 

Ridhima: Maa

Mrs Radha: Yes, Ridhima. I feel he is not in love with you but he just likes you the way you like him. You guys have misinterpreted like as love or Infatuation as love. You should close this relation as soon as possible. I would suggest call Kabir now and close it tomorrow itself. Yet, will leave the choice to you. 

Good night dear! 

(Mrs Radha left from the terrace) 

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