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Yug who was passing through the garden area saw Ridhima and thought to speak with her. However, when he went near, he shocked to see Vansh with her. He knows Vansh is her husband while it is not right time to intervene, but he understood they are having an argument and as a friend, he doesn't want Ridhima to get hurt and goes to cut the conversation. 

Yug: Hi Ridhi, Good Morning! 

Vansh is happy to be intervened because he doesn't need to answer for the question Ridhima has asked. But seeing Yug Rane standing before him, don't know why he felt so possessive about Ridhima that he stood before her and extend his hand. 

Vansh: Myself Vansh Rai Singhania! 

Yug understood Vansh is jealous of seeing him with Ridhi. However, this is something he needs to get habituated because Ridhi is his best friend and in future no matter what he is not going to leave her alone. 

Yug: smiles. Good Morning Mr Rai Sighania. How do you do? 

Vansh: You know me? 

Yug: You just introduced yourself? 

Vansh: No questions or doubts about my presence near your friend?

Yug: Not a friend. Best Friend. I understand you are not yet used to it. But you will. 

Questions about your presence, then I think you have come to meet your wife. Why would I be shocked about it? 

Vansh: You don't like me, Mr Rane. So for obvious reasons, you would be having doubts regarding me 

Yug: It's Yug, Mr Rai Sighania. The only person who can call me Rane is your wife. No one else. Of course, I do have my doubts regarding you. However, that is for another day. But yes, I hate you because you have forced Ridhi into a marriage which she doesn't prefer herself. 

Ah, one more thing, how you know that I don't like you? Do you leave any chip over here, that you got know about my feelings for you? 

Vansh once again infix. He knows what kind of person Yug Rane is. Yes, he has seen his soft corner for Ridhima but,  in reality, he is a sniper. The business world calls him a sniper or a marksman. Once,  he lays his eyes on something that belongs to him - he possesses the most dangerous personality. 

Vansh: I can see in your eyes. I can read people mind Mr Yug!

Yug: Good job, Vansh. I heard a lot about you. The business world calls you as King of the sea and many more. However, I think you never been successful in meeting me or get to work with the Rajvansh Business Empire

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