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Now there is no more marriage celebration in the house and it's time for the exit of Devraj Singh Rathore. 

Kabir: Stupid Ridhima! Why she should interfere deep into family matters. I have sent her to get information about Vansh illegal work and here she is developing a bond with everyone. 

Anupriya: Kabir, now what we can do? You have to leave the house because Ishani is not marrying Angre now. 

Kabir: Don't worry mom! I will come back soon with another plan. This time will come with such a plan that no one will able to save Vansh from it. However, I'm happy for one thing that, Vansh started to fall for Ridhima. That's enough for right now as he will be opening his heart for her. 

Anupriya: I can also see that but don't you feel Ridhima is behaving weird since yesterday? Like the way she spoke with such an authoritative tone with Ishani, I never expected from Ridhima.

Kabir: You're right mom! Even I'm shocked to see such commanding tone of her. Also where she went? I know she didn't go to temple then where? For a matter of fact, I know Ridhima won't be planning anything until I tell her, so what she is planning this time?

Anupriya: Don't worry, I will keep an eye on her.

Kabir: Hmm! I think it's high time I meet her once and make sure she falls more in love with me and start hating Vansh more than before so it will be very painful for Vansh to see his lady love is hating him and ignoring him.

Anurpiya: Okay! 

(In Hall) 

Devraj/Kabir: Thank you, everyone! Though we have met for short time, I will miss you guys. Hoping in future if any kind of wedding happens, you guys will remember Devraj Singh Rathore. 

Vansh: Devraj Singh Rathore, Good Bye! 

(They both stare at each other) 

Devraj leaves the house and takes a back door which Anupriya opened for him and enters VR Mansion. 

Kabir: I need to meet Ridhima for sure! If I don't meet her now, then don't know what this stupid girl will do. This girl already developing family bonding with this family and which shouldn't happen because Ridhima loves to be part of the family. 

(He runs towards Vansh and Ridhima's room and sees her alone in the room lost in some thoughts)

Kabir: Ridhimaa

Ridhima: Kabir? (shocked) 


What are you doing?

How did you enter?

Just leave before Vansh arrives

Kabir: Ridhima! Ridhima, be calm 

It has been ages I have seen you and you not even tried to connect with me. I was so worried that I can't stop myself from taking this risk

Ridhima: Kabir............

Kabir: I feel we should stop this mission. Day by Day we are failing but we unable to get any kind of proof against Vansh to prove his misdoings. 

Ridhima: I feel Vansh is the victim of everything but not the convict

(Kabir shocked to see this change in her and tries to manipulate her)

Kabir: I don't know why are you saying that? I can't believe you are saying this? My Ridhima is saying this? The one who always believed me now saying I'm wrong

Ridhima: No Kabir, I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying you might have mistaken someone else actions as Vansh. I know we have doubts about Ragini and the statue but I don't think he has killed her. I feel there is so much to learn about him and the background story of the statue. 

Kabir: Exactly! That is what you feel now because Vansh is making you feel like that. The story of Ragini is not known to many and Vansh is password protected. I want you to decode the password Ridhima. I asked you, whether you can go near to Vansh as near you are for me and learn the truth of his mistakes.

Now it's time Ridhima. Go near to him and learn the truth. 

Ridhima: Kabir....................... (shocked)

Kabir: Yes Ridhima, go near him and learn about the real Vansh. Do complete the promise you have given to me. I can't live happily with you later if you don't do this for me. Please do this Ridhima. 

(He falls on the ground and act as if he is crying) 

Ridhima: Kabir, will do what you want but remember if the outcome is not what you are expecting then don't blame me. 

Kabir: I know what outcome it will be! Thank you Ridhima

(Kabir leaves from the window and but what they don't know is a person at the door had watched this and left with a smirk on his face) 

Precap: Ridhima in AF 

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