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Ridhima doesn't know what to answer, yet show knows if she takes a pause now, then he would be suspecting her more.

Ridhima: Of course, Vansh. How could I not know about it? If you start investigating a matter, you are willing to go deep into the waters. So it's obvious you know Rane is my best friend.

Vansh is surprised by her reply. The one who is standing before him now is the Ridhima he knows. He knows she is lying. He knows that she knows her lie is caught but she still defends her lie. Though knowing the truth he cannot pinpoint her as a lier or betrayer because there is no enough proof against her. He is undergoing the same situation since day one. Always he is stuck with her instant smartness and how she covers up the situation.

Ridhima knows she cannot continue this with him. Also, from many days she wanted to have a civil conversation with him. In his house, it was never possible. She wishes to speak with him now.

Ridhima: For once, can we stop arguing and talk like grown-ups?

Vansh never expected her to stop the argument in the middle and ask such a question. He has always seen her defending her lies or tying to humiliate him or doubt him. He also wants to know what she wants to express and agrees for the conversation.

Vansh: Sure

Ridhima. Thanks! So, can stop this interrogation and speak.

Vansh: What is it you want to speak?

Ridhima: Let's start from the start

Vansh: Okay

Ridhima: Why do you doubt me so much?

Vansh: smirks. There is something in you Ridhima. Due to which I always feel suspicious of you. I know you are lying and yet you defend yourself so well that I don't have proof against you. I know you are going to hurt me in future. I know you are not what you seem. The face which is masked by naivety has some plans behind the mask. However, you are a nice person. But I want to know whether you are a pawn in a game or Queen of the game?

Ridhima: Did I ever hurt you or your family? I was trying to know the truth of Ragini.

Vansh: Why do you want to know about her?

Ridhima: I can live with anyone Vansh. But not with a murderer.

Vansh: To protect my family and people I care, I can go to any lengths. Won't you do the same for AF?

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