𝟭𝟯. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿

811 19 2

Grace's pov

I wake up to soft snoring of the brunette girl next to me. I smile immediately. 

I assume we fell asleep right after making love. All I remember is Olivia, saying I love you to me. When I think about yesterday and what we did... I don't regret. It makes me so happy that Rodrigo let me do it all, that she didn't panic. I was her first (not including Nate) and I am really grateful for it. 

Her eyelids are closed, she breathes calmly. I stare at her gorgeous face, noticing that the mascara she wore yesterday smudged under her eyes. Still, she's so pretty. I gently lift my hand to her face and with my thumb I try to clean her dirty because of the makeup cheeks. Liv groans, but in the end she doesn't wake up. 

Actually I would like to get up so bad, 'cause I gotta pee so much. But on the other hand, I don't want Olivia to wake up alone in the bed, without me, she would start worrying. That's why I decide to keep my bladder full until the girl next to me won't open her eyes. 

It's unbelievable for me that I can call Olivia my girlfriend. It's unreal. She has to break up with Nate, I need to talk with her about it, but anyway I can call her mine. And since she's mine, I'm gonna treat her right, like a princess. She deserves it. 

Liv groan once again and this time when I look at her face, I see her opening the eyes. 

"Hello, sleepyhead", I whisper, kissing her forehead. She looks at me not fully awake, she has to rub her eyes. Maybe she can't believe that I'm real.

"Hello, my girlfriend", she says, kissing my lips and I'm smiling through the kiss. 

Olivia climbs on top of me, wrapping her legs around mine. She clings to me with her bare chest, smiling adorably.

"I don't remember the last time I woke up so happy", she whispers.

"Well, now I'll do everything to make you waking up happier and happier", I reply, kissing her softly. Liv pecks me on the nose. "But now I gotta get up", I say, sitting up, "you don't want me to pee on you".

"At least it would be warm", she sighs, but nods. I put it back on the sheets, leaving the bed.

When I'm back, I notice that Olivia is still sleeping. I lean over her, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Hm?", she groans.

"Wanna take a shower?", I ask and Rodrigo opens her eyes.

"Why did you steal my robe?", she frowns, pretending being angry.

"I was cold and I won't parade naked in front of you", I reply.

"As if I haven't seen you naked", she snorts, referring to our last night.

"Come on, I'll carry you to the bathroom", I speak, wanting to wash myself, because my body is sticky. Without waiting for her answer, I put my arms under her back, lifting her and turning her straight to me, the front of her body clings to mine in a robe. At least she's soft.

"I am so sleepy", she complains and hides her face in my neck.

As I reach the bathroom, I'm trying to get rid of Olivia's robe, still holding her, so she helps me with doing it. With Olivia in my arms, I step into the shower and turn the warm stream on us from above. She doesn't move and I'm aftraid she fell asleep.

"Are you sleeping?", I ask quietly.

"Mhm", I hear.

"Watch out, I'll put you down", I say and do, she opens her sparkling dark eyes. She yawns.

"How do you feel?", Rodrigo asks, holding her hands on my waist.

"All good, what do you mean?"

"Yesterday... you took care of me, and I didn't of you", she looks down, "I feel bad about it".

"You feel bad because you didn't have chance to make me good, right?"

"Yeah... I feel so selfish".

"Olivia", I grab her chin and lift it to look into those beautiful eyes I've fallen in love with, "Never feel bad about it. Sometimes I make love to you, sometimes you make love to me. But still, I love you so much and nothing changes it. You were more important because it was your first time. You aren't selfish, I actually didn't even let you make love to me, because you were tired. And if you wanna know, I came too, don't know even when", I snort at the end. "But seriously, Liv, I really really love you".

"I really really love you, too, my love", she smiles shyly, I place a kiss on her forehead.

Olivia lets me wash herself, I start with her collarbones, I touch her boobs a little to which she laughs, I wash her tummy and the rest she washes by herself. Rodrigo also decides to clean me, after washing off the foam on my chest Olivia starts kissing my neck gently.

I moan quietly when she's sucking my skin. A groan makes Liv feel more confident, and suddenly, unexpectedly, she slips two fingers inside me, I squeak in surprise.

"Fuck", I whisper.

"My turn now", Olivia says in husky voice, I only smile and let her keep going.


"Any plans for today?", I ask when we are sitting by the kitchen counter, Olivia is wearing a basic white top (and she decided to not wear a bra underneath, i'm kinda freaking out) and a shorts, and she's finishing eating her pancake. I made pancakes on the breakfast, Liv was only watching 'cause she can't cook. She gave me her clothes to wear, well, wearing her underwear is a little weird, but she gave me a comfy hoodie and black shorts.

"Lemme think", she starts wondering about something pretty deeply. "Oh, fuck", she curses and I raise my eyebrows.

"Something's wrong?"

"Fuck, Grace. I've got a dinner with my parents today... and with Nate... oh my God", she hides her face in her hands, I can feel she's getting nervous.

"Hey, Liv", I get up and come over her, wrapping my arms around her. "It'll be okay".

"No, it won't be. I want to break up with him today".

"That's actually good..."

"No, you don't understand! I'm scared! He'll be very mad. What if he will hit me again? Or do something other? I'm scared so much", she speaks, my heart breaks, her body is literally shaking.

"Olivia, first, you should calm down", I whisper. "He won't hurt you in front of your parents".

Rodrigo grunts softly and begins to cry.

"Shhh, baby", I stroke her comfortingly, "i'm here, angel", I kiss the top of her head, and after a moment I just lift her up and carry to the living room, I put her on the couch.

Suddenly Olivia tucks her legs, grabs her stomach and writhes in pain. That's how stress affects her.

"Baby, it will hurt until you don't stop being nervous. You have to calm down, please", I kneel next to the couch and stroke her cheek. "Will you throw up?", I ask and she shakes her head. "okay", I kiss her forehead.

"He's gonna hurt me so much", Liv cries, I can tell she's so terrified.

I sigh.

"Even if he does, Olivia... I'll take care of it. He will never touch you anymore, okay? Maybe I'm gonna drive you there, would you like to?"

"Don't you mind?"

"No, of course not. Being your girlfriend means to protect you", I say, smiling trough the pain.  "When are you supposed to be there?"

"3pm", Olivia sobs and I stay with her, climbing onto the couch so I can cuddle her.

If I could, I would protect her from the whole fucking world.

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