𝟮𝟱. 𝗺𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆

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Olivia's pov

Grace's body is shaking when she sits between my legs on the green slide. The red light is on, so we can't go down yet.

"You don't have, Grace", I say softly, kissing her arm. I can see she's so nervous and I feel bad that I forced her to do it.

"But I want to", she replies but her voice trembles. I just sigh and whisper okay.

The green light goes on, my girlfriend also notices it. She takes a deep breath as I push us over the beam above. Grace is digging her nails painfully into my legs, but I forgive her. I wrap my arms around her belly, pressing her body against mine so she feels warm and not so afraid. We slide fast, one sharp turn sends us sideways and Grace whimpers. I peck her cheek, but then we speed up, so I stay still. The slide is long and fast, but still better than the blue one.

Finally, the slide ends. Grace clenches her hands on my knees and I tell her quickly to hold her breath. After a second we fall into the water, bumping into each other. Even though my eyes are closed, I reach for Grace, my arms still around her stomach, and I surface us both.

I still hold her when she wipes her eyes. She gives me a look, and I see that she's about to cry again, so I move closer and press my forehead to hers.

"You're so brave, baby", I stroke her cheek, and she just snuggles into me. I kiss her wet hair.


It's 6pm and we've just come back from the pool. I sit on Grace's lap and we talk with Iris and Madi. Conan's showering, so we need to wait for the bathroom. It sucks that there is only one, because if someone needs to use it, the other person's there so you have to wait. And Conan showers for 20 minutes already, it pisses me off. I and Grace will take a shower together, it saves water and time.

"Are you going with us on the beach in the evening?", Iris asks me and Levine, "we wanna celebrate our first day here".

"Celebrate means try every drink from the bar", Madi rolls her eyes.

I laugh, "okay, we can go, but someone has to look after me to not drink too much".

"I'll stay sober", Grace says.

"Me too. I don't like alcohol at all", Madi agrees.

I don't like it too, but I can drink some in small amount. But when I was with Nate I came at the party with my friends once, to forget about my problems with him, and I got drunk pretty easily and I puked all over Conan's bathroom. Man, I don't wanna remember it.

"Will you guys announce that you're together soon?", Madi asks.

"I think we're ready for it. We need some pretty photos, because all that we have together are weird and not to post", Grace replies.

"I've got a pic of Grace sleeping when she was cuddling the blanket in very sexual way", I smirk, remembering that night when Grace thought that the blanket was me, "oh, we have one pretty pic that we took in the morning, we looked really good but Grace put her hand on one of my boobs so...", I shrug.

"I have a photo of Liv from hiding as she was sitting on the toilet and watching tik toks", my girlfriend says and I hit her arm.

"Shut up!"

"Oh, or the one when we went for a walk and she stepped in dog shit and wiped herself on the grass. And the one when she was sleeping and drooling uncontrollably on my chest".

"Grace", I hide my face in embarrassment in her neck.

"Well, Liv has crazy dreams", Iris smirks.

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