𝟭𝟰. 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗿𝘆

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Olivia's pov

Grace drives me home, following directions. I'm pretty nervous and I told her to drive slow, I've got this feeling in my stomach like I'm about to throw up.

We arrive, she stops the car and unfastens her seatbelt, then she leans over to me.

"I love you, Olivia", she whispers. I wanna cry so bad. I'm so scared.

She grabs my hands in hers and starts to rub them, as if that would help. I sniffle, but I don't let the tears come out. Grace unfastens my seatbelt too.

"You need to go, baby. It's almost 3pm", the girl says and I shake my head.

"I don't want to go", I try to sound peacefully, but obviously the tone of my voice is tearful.

"I know, angel. But look, it will be over if you tell him you're breaking up. He won't hurt you anymore".

I nod and lift my hand to Levine's cheek.

"Can I kiss you?"


We kiss, and Grace puts her warm hands on my cheeks, stroking them. Our kiss is deep and tender. But unfortunately it doesn't take long.

"Text me whatever or call if I will be supposed to come pick you up. I'll be in the mall ten minutes from here, okay?"

"Okay", I smile sadly, pecks her on the cheek and l leave the car.

On shaking legs I come over the doorstep, before knocking I take a deep breath. I lift my hand and knock.

I don't have to wait long; After a few seconds, my mother opens the door.

"Hi, mom", I say quietly.

It's hard to say how our relationship looks like. She supports me in my career, obviously, but she's obsessive about Nate, she loves him so much and she has already made a life plan for us.

When I was younger, she always compared me to Nate. He was better at sports, I wasn't. He wasn't shy when he had to talk to someone, I was. When I was rollerblading I fell, he didn't. I always cried about stupid little things, he wasn't as weak. I've never felt enough.

My mom repeats that's good that we're a couple because someone has to help me cope with life, because I'm hopeless in everything. Maybe because I'm hopeless Nate beats me.

If I could change the past I would never hook up with Nate again.

"Hello, Olivia", she smiles and hugs my stiff body. "Come on, dad will come soon, you will help me in the kitchen".

I take off my shoes and follow her. She wants me to help her set the table, so I do, being very careful not to break any plates or glasses.

Concentrated on carrying glasses to the dining room, I jump when I hear the door slam, dropping one glass. Fuck. I immediately hear my mom's steps.

"What the hell did you do, Olivia!", she screams, but at this moment my dad comes to us.

"Where's my favorite girl?", he grins at me, and I'm feeling better already.

My dad is completely opposite to my mom. I'm always his favorite child, also the only one, but I've always been better to him, not Nate. When my mom was yelling at me, he was always defending me. When I was little I loved snuggling into him, he was my safe place.

But Sophia, my mother, could yell at him too when stood up for me. This is how family fights started, always because of me. Dad gave up every time because he couldn't stand above my mother. She ruled this house.

𝗪𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now