𝟰𝟳. 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗺𝘀

354 11 1

a month later

Olivia's pov

I reach for my phone as it rings, smiling weakly seeing my girlfriend's name on the screen. I sit up and lean the phone against the pillow, I pick up.

"Hi my love!" Grace exclaims. "Aw, are you still in bed?"

I nod, rubbing my eyes. I grab a glass of water that my manager left on the nightstand at night and drink some.

"Yeah", I reply, not having the strength to talk.

"Are you okay?" Grace asks worriedly. All I need right now is to lay down in her arms.

"No", I shake my head, "my stomach hurts really badly".

"Is it your period or are you sick?"

"I was puking the whole night", I reply, "woke up at 2am and I could fall asleep again at 6am".

"Aw, baby", she purrs, "what made your stomach so sick?"

"Shrimps", I reply, taking a sip of water, "before my show yesterday we ate at some restaurant, the food was great anyway. I just can't understand why I threw up, when my manager also ate some of them and her stomach didn't even hurt".

"Maybe they were poisoned or something", Grace thinks loudly. "Are you performing today?"

"Don't remind me", I hide my face in the palms of my hands. "I feel so bad".

"My poor baby", my girlfriend sighs, "maybe don't move a lot on stage and just tell the crowd you're not feeling the best. They should understand".

"Yeah, but they spent so much money to be here tonight", I sigh, "maybe I'll just do an acoustic show, so I'll be sitting most of the time".

"Does anyone from your team know what happened?"

"It's so embarrassing, actually", I memorize everything that happened few hours ago. "I woke up feeling so nauseous and I went to our kitchen area to grab some water or medicines. Everyone was sleeping, besides Hailey as it turned out. I thought I would make it but no, when I started looking for medicines I gagged and ran to my bathroom immediately. I slammed the door of my bedroom actually, but my manager suddenly came in, no knocking, while I was making out with the toilet".

"Oh no", Grace giggles.

"It's not funny".

"I know but you said you were making out with the toilet", she laughs at my joke.

"Yes, I've never stuck my head in the toilet that deep", I roll my eyes, she bursts again.

"Did she help you at least?" Grace asks when she's calmed down.

"Yeah, she helped me a lot, I'm so grateful. She stayed with me and didn't leave when I needed to vomit again. I threw up around five or six times, I don't know, but I felt so nauseous for 2 hours after how I was done", now I feel nauseous talking about it, "let's move on, please, I don't wanna puke again".

"Okay. I dreamed about you today", Grace says.

"You dream about me every day", I joke. "But no one's to blame, I dream about you every day too".

𝗪𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now