53. 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀

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Grace's pov

We arrive to our hotel in Dublin in the evening. It's getting dark outside.

Our room is on the one of the highest levels, so as we enter it, we see a beautiful view of the city. Olivia somehow makes my dreams come true bringing me on this tour.

We have a king size bed and big ass bathroom. We're staying here only for 2 days, though.

I'm so drained after the stressful flight. And again, I couldn't even fall asleep. I just had my eyes shut, cuddling with Olivia for almost 10 hours straight, but I don't feel any relaxed.

Olivia yawns and opens her suitcase. She picks a white satine top and matching shorts and changes in front of me. I also put on my T-shirt and shorts, and go to the bathroom.

I splash my face with water and then I just brush my teeth. I don't really feel like doing anything else. Liv is quickly brushing her teeth too, and starts squeezing the pimple she got today.

I rummag through my suitcase, trying to find my pillow case. I remember that I put it on the couch to pack it, and I'm sure I packed it, so why's it not here?

"What's wrong?" Olivia touches my arm when I aggressively throw out my clothes, but there was no trace of the pillow case. Unlike me, Olivia took hers and she even brought her bunny.

I just hated those hotel's sheets and especially pillows. My face has enough pimples and the detergent in which they wash the sheets and pillows could make it better. Olivia also preferred to have her own pillow when she wasn't in her own bed.

"I didn't take my pillow case", I groan, giving up. I just wanna cry for such a stupid reason.

Olivia's pov

I pick Grace's clothes off the floor and put them back into her suitcase. My poor girlfriend is sitting on the bed, looking like she's about to cry.

"Just take mine", I put my pillow on her lap.

She shakes her head. "No, I can't".

I sigh. We lay in bed, Grace obsessively tries to clean her pillow using her hand. "Love, sleep on mine", I put a pillow under her face, but she still refuses.

I don't mind sleeping on hotel's pillows. Okay, I'm a bit obsessed with germs too, but I just want my Grace to be happy. I want her to get a good sleep she didn't get in 2 days.

"I'm gonna infect your pillow with my acne", she says. "And you also don't like these pillows".

"I don't care, Grace, I'm okay with sleeping on those. Take mine, please. Lift your head up, sweetheart", I put a pillow under her head and kiss Grace's forehead. "And hug the bunny", I put Mwah Mwah on top of her and adjust the blanket. "And fall asleep".

I kiss her goodnight and she closes her eyes. I turn off the lamp, because I'm very sleepy too.

But I hate sleeping in new places. Everything overwhelms me and I just don't feel the warmth of my home. Grace shifts a lot, too.

"Olivia", she groans and hugs my arm, "can't sleep".

"Me too", I sigh, turning on my stomach and I put my leg across Grace's body. I hug her gentl. "It would be great for you if you fall asleep".

"I'm exhausted", she confesses.

I tighten my grip around her body and kiss her jaw. I close my eyes again, trying to sleep this way.

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