57. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝘆𝘀

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a/n: votee

Olivia's pov

This was a big day for me and Grace.

I yawn and look at my girlfriend, sleeping peacefully with her face turned to me. I grab my phone to check the time, it was 11am. Thankfully, we can still be at home because the Grammy's are taking place here in LA. We fell asleep really quickly due to the fatigue, but usually it's Grace who wakes up first. She oversleeps only when she's on her period, or when she's stressed. Today it's the second option, I assume. It's her first Grammy's with nominations and possibility she'll win something, so it's understandable that she's nervous.

I press my lips to her cheek for a while, then I decide to get up. It's better for Grace to sleep as long as possible, so she won't have too much time to stress herself out. I still remember when she got her nosebleed due to the performance, and I really don't want it to happen again. Although she's performing today too. And it's more serious than the last time.

I don't really care about my nominations, I mean, I hope I'll win, but I'm more excited for my girlfriend. We have to drive to the hotel at 3pm, so they can prepare us for the night.

I shower and make myself a breakfast, and having some time for myself I go to the music room to finish off the lyrics to the love song I'm releasing soon.

Some time later the door opens and Grace comes in. I turn to her and smile, "hi love".

Wordlessly, she comes over to me and sits on my lap, hugging me.

"Aw", I chuckle, hugging her tighter, "are you nervous?"

She nods, sighing. I rock her gently, coming up with an idea. "I can play a song for you. The new one".

"That one you told my sister about? So american?"

I've come up with this title when we were in London because of the GUTS tour, and basically every time I'd behave like an american, when I wanted to eat a burger and fries instead of trying new dishes, or when I tried to pronounce a word in british, Grace would laugh at me, saying that I sound so american. I wrote it down in my notes app, and now I have a song out of it.

"Yes. Wanna hear it?"

Grace nods and gets up, moving on the couch. I grab my guitar and sit in front of her, grinning. I hope she likes it. "Will you make me cry?" she asks.

"I don't know. It's not a sad song, actually".

I start playing the first chord and a moment later I start singing.

Driving on the right side road
She says I'm pretty wearing her clothes
And she's got hands that make hell seem cold
Feet on the dashboard, she's like a poem I wish I wrote, I wish I wrote
When she laughs at all my jokes
And she says I'm so american
Oh God it's just not fair of her
To make me feel this much
I'll go anywhere she goes
And she says I'm so american
Oh God I'm gonna marry her
If she keeps this shit up
I might just be in la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love.

I smile, looking up at Grace. A tear rolls down her cheek. "Do you like it?" I whisper.

"How do I deserve you?" she asks, taking my hand in hers. She kisses the palm of it and lets it go, because I've to put down the guitar. Then she closes me in a hug, whispering that she loves me and honestly it's enough for me to know that she loves this song.

Grace sniffles before pulling away, "have you already showered?" she asks.

"Yeah", I mumble, sighing. I could've waited for her. "Sorry".

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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