𝟮𝟴. 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀

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a/n: pls vote

Olivia's pov

In the evening it is warm and no longer windy. After leaving the amusement park, we decide to go to a restaurant for dinner.

I'm so hungry even though I ate 3 hours ago.

It was pretty cool in the amusement park, but my favorite memory of the day is meeting my little fan. When I and Grace went to the bathroom before we had left, we met Ally again. She's the sweetest ever, I wanna have a baby like her.

We come into restaurant, getting a table for 5. We get menu, I start to read mine.

"I would eat a pizza", I tell to Grace who's sitting next to me.

"Me too", she smiles, "shall we take one or do you want all by yourself?"

"Let's take one but in the big size", I reply.

"Okay. Which one?"


"Okay", Levine smiles, I grin too.

Grace's pov

I give a last slice of pizza to Olivia, because I'm full. When we ordered a big one, we didn't expect it to be so big.

"Are you sure? Let's eat half", Liv says. She seems like she feels guilty about eating the last one.

"Livvy, I'm seriously full and I don't wanna eat anymore. You can have it", I smile to her. She nods hesitantly.

Finally she finishes eating, drinks some of her Coke, and we wait for Iris to finish her meal.

"Oh my God I'm so full", Olivia groans, sitting more comfortable and she puts her hands on her stomach. "Look Grace, I'm so fat now", she giggles.

I gaze at her belly and it's really so bloated. I grin.

"You're not fat, just full", I riposte her.

She rolls her eyes. "I can't get up, much less walk. I have no idea how we get to the hotel".

"I'll carry you", I snort.

We pay and start going to the resort. But Olivia wasn't joking when she said she's not able to walk.

"God, I ate too much, I don't have force to walk", she groans, while I literally pull her hand.

"Liv, come on-"

"Do you want me to carry you? I can give you a piggyback", Conan asks suddenly.

"Yes please!", Liv squeaks. I laugh.

"Come to me", Conan bends down, Olivia goes behind him, and she jumps on his back, he catches her feet and Liv holds his shoulders.

As we're walking I take a pic of Liv.

Halfway there, fatigue kills me so much I wish I could land on Conan's shoulders, too. When we get home, I throw myself on the bed.

"Wanna watch the third part of Twilight today?", Liv asks, sitting on the bed and putting her hand on my back. 

"Sure. But I may fall asleep", I say.

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