55. 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲

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a/n: there's gonna be a time skip don't be mad at me :( and please vote and comment!

Grace's pov

I wake up in our hotel room in Paris to an empty side of a bed. I immediately sit up to check where my girlfriend is.

The last thing I'd expect to see her was on the floor, in shorts and a top, exercising.

"Are you kidding me? You seriously preffered to do this shit on the floor than to cuddle with me as I was asleep?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

Olivia laughs, "hi, sleepyhead", she does stretching exercises, sitting with legs straight in front, bending forward, grabbing her toes. "I felt the need to exercise, I couldn't miss it, I'm sorry".

I just sigh, shaking my head.

"Will you join me?" Olivia speaks up again.

Do I have better plans? No. Do I want to? No. Do I wanna spend time with Liv? Yes.

"Fine, but I can't do literally anything. I'm not even able to reach my toes like that", I get up and come over my suitcase, pulling out the shorts and a T-shirt. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Wait, seriously? I thought you'd not do it", Liv chuckles. I shrug, sitting on the floor next to her. "Don't you even need to go to the bathroom? Like... damn, I can't believe you're exercising with me!"

I laugh at her cuteness, "yes, maybe you're actually right... I should go pee... and do this and that...", I start getting up but Olivia puts her hand on my thigh, stopping me.

"No, please! Stay with me", she gives me puppy eyes, "unless you pee yourself. Then you can go".

I shake my head, "I'll stay. But don't expect me to be good at it".

"Okay, wave your arms and legs... I dunno, just warm up".

I finish warming up when Olivia tells me to do squats. That's the exercise I like.

"Now", Liv starts and lays down on the floor, "we're gonna lay on our back and lift our legs up", she shows me another exercise, "and swing our legs, crossing them over us".

I do it and feel my stomach starts to hurt, "it hurts, Liv".

"This is an abdominal muscle exercise", she replies.

"Damn", I let out a sigh, continuating to cross my legs. But I give up after a while and Olivia laughs.

"Okay, maybe something easier for you", she chuckles and I roll my eyes.

After 15 minutes, when I'm out of breath and Liv seems to have a bunch of energy left, she comes up with another idea. "I can do a headstand".

"Do you?" I raise my eyebrows and she moves closer. "Ew, did you use a deodorant?"

"Shut up", she replies, pecking my lips.

"Your lips are sweaty, too", I tease and she snorts.

"Wanna hold my feet?"


"So I could stand on my head?" Liv says as if it wasn't obvious.

"Okay", I agree and we both get up.

"So, I'll do a handstand but you have to grab my feet", Olivia says, "and then I'll do the rest".

"Won't you break your-", suddenly, Liv leans forward, turning and standing on her hands, and her legs fly towards me. I quickly grab her feet like she said. "God, Olivia!"

She chuckles. I look down, watching as she slowly lowers her arms and leans on her forearms. "I'm standing on my head, Grace!" she exclaims and I laugh, carefully holding her feet for a while. "Okay, I have enough", she says after a while, and tells me to let go of her feet.

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