𝟯𝟵. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆

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Grace's pov

I wipe Olivia's tears as she replies on my question, I asked her if she likes the bracelet I made for her. She sniffles and nods quickly.

"It's really beautiful, my love", I smile, pressing my lips to her cheek as I feel another tear escaping her eye.

"Baby", I whisper, putting my hand on her waist, rubbing her skin, "I promise I'm not gonna yell at you, I'm not even mad. Don't cry, please, angel", I try my best to comfort her. She nods, wiping her cheeks.

"You're so talented, I will never take this off", she whispers and I chuckle, kissing her once again.

"I've got another one. Here", I take out a bracelet, red and purple, with the word "vampire" from one of the compartments of the bead package. "I made it when you were releasing vampire, actually, but forgot to gave you".

Olivia puts in on her wrist, smiling gratefully. "You gave me those adorable bracelets and what did I do? I wrecked your car", and she starts to tear up again. I put my hands under her thighs, and holding her buttocks I lift her up, carrying her upstairs, to our bedroom.

I feel such a big urge to do whatever to please her, she needs to relax.

Liv is laying on the bed, looking at me with puffy eyes, confused. I'm over her and I reach to the zip of her jeans, unbutton it and unzip, taking the pants off her. I do the same with her sweater, and Olivia gives herself to me.

She probably thought I'm gonna undress her all, but I leave her in her black bra and underwear. I lay myself on her, putting my hands under her shoulder blades, to hold her, I cover us with a blanket.

"I feel so bad for your car, Grace", Olivia cries and I hold her tight, kissing her ear.

"We're gonna fix it, everything's okay. The only thing that I care about is that you didn't hurt youself", I kiss her forehead. "Shhh, don't cry, Livvy".

I stay with Olivia until she decides to take a nap. I leave her alone in the room, when she sleeps, going to make a dinner for us.


Olivia tells me how her meeting with parents went, I massage her temple gently as she has her head on my thighs. I grin when she says they doesn't mind their daughter to be in the relationship with woman.

Another day I'm freaking out, because I'm going to the party, and Olivia says she isn't. We were supposed to go together, but she's on her period, she has the worst second day, and she doesn't have force to go.

I try to not show her my insecurity as she's laying down on the bed, curled up, she has cramps.

I wouldn't go to the party if we didn't pay earlier. I paid to come, so I don't want to lose the money, but I don't want to leave Olivia either.

My girlfriend goes to the bathroom as I sit on the edge of bed, sighing, not knowing what to do. She says she's okay with me going to the party.

Olivia goes out of the bathroom, heading upstairs, turning to me. "I have to go shopping. I literally used half of the pads today, I'm wearing the last one", she sighs sadly.

"Is this so heavy?", I ask, worrying, Liv crawls to the bed.

"Yeah... I haven't felt this bad in a long time".

"I'll go in the moment, okay?", I say, I don't want her to overwork.

"You don't have to".

"I want to do it for you. If you feel bad I can stay with you, you know?"

𝗪𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now