𝟮𝟳. 𝗮𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸

483 10 1

Grace's pov

Olivia said that today will be such a beautiful sunset. I'm not sure, since it was storm and the sky is covered with colorful clouds, but Livvy really insisted I go, so me and her and her friends are going to a private beach.

I cried for some more but it wasn't as intense as in other years. Maybe it's because of Olivia, I don't know, but her cuddles really helped me feel better.

I still miss my dad, but maybe I should really move on? It's been 7 years. 

I hold Olivia's hand, as she shuffles in her flip-flops next to me, she's wearing my skirt (which she really likes, and looks way better in it than I do, I should give her that) and a white tank top. Underneath this, she has a white swimsuit. I just threw on an oversized T-shirt, but I also took an oversize sweatshirt, as if I was cold.

There's no man in the booth. That's why we come in without paying. 

There is some family with two babies at the beach, and just us, so we go to the place I went with Liv the day before, and we leave our stuff right there. 

And I must admit, Liv was right, the sky is gorgeous. Dark blue clouds pass into softer ones that are red, some are literally golden, because they are illuminated by the sun hidden behind them. Shit, it's wonderful here. My girlfriend takes a pic of the view, and then of me. I smile quickly. 

Olivia and her friends toss their clothes and they run in the swimsuits to the sea. 

Seeing them so happy makes me decide that I wanna join them. I get rid of my t-shirt and run to the water. 

"Gracie!", Liv throws her arms around me when I dive into the water up to my chest. It's quite cold. She kisses my arm gently. "Oh, you're so cold", she says, probably noticing the goosebumps formed on my skin.

"Yeah...", I reply awkwardly. But my Liv just hugs me tight and it's enough for my body to relax and warm up. 

"Guys, wanna play a volleyball or something? I took an inflatable ball", Conan asks.

"Sure", Olivia replies, still holding me. 

Conan swims to the coast, goes on our place and takes a ball out of the bag, but not inflated. He starts blowing it and I'm already swimming with the girls when he comes back to us with a ball and red cheeks, gasping for breath.

Madi invents some game that the ball must not fall into the water. And we can only bounce it once, and if the second person fails to bounce, the first person to bounce must dive and be underwater for 15 seconds.

"But someone may be scared of diving", Liv speaks up and I look down, knowing she's talking about me. 

"It's not our bussiness, game is a game", Conan replies, and I feel a little touched what he said. But only a little. 

Madi bounces the ball, Olivia right after her, then Conan, Iris, me, Olivia again, and so on, until finally the ball goes into the water with Iris.

"Iris dives", Conan says.

"But it was you who bounced", she argues.

"But you could bounce it back, and you didn't because you fell to the water".

"It's fucked up", she snorts, and she goes underwear, Madi counts to 15.

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