𝟯𝟰. 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗯𝘂𝗺

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Olivia's pov

I'm literally shitting my pants from the stress of meeting Grace's family.

We're driving to Aurora's house now, where I've never been before, and I'm doing everything to keep my hands busy, I'm playing with my rings and fingers.

Grace tried to calm me down but finally she gave up, seeing that she doesn't help.

"I could wear something other", I sigh, glancing at my thighs where my dress ends, "it's too short and your grandparents will think I'm a slut".

"This dress is beautiful, Olivia", Grace says, trying to sound nicely, but I know she's mad at me because of my complaining.

At home we did a test to see if I can see my ass when I bend down. Fortunately not. The colorful dress reaches my mid-thighs, and I'm wearing low martens and white socks. I left my hair down and straightened it.

Grace is wearing simple t-shirt and white tennis skirt, and her new pink Converses. She didn't dress up as much as I did and now I feel stupid. But I want to make a good impression.

"I look stupid. I dressed up as a clown, you look normal", I groan, hiding my face in my hands.

"Jesus, Olivia! You look beautiful and they will love you, stop stressing yourself out!", Grace says, hitting the steering wheel gently. I decide not to speak the rest of the way.

Grace parks the car by the huge modern house with a bunch of tress around. It kinda reminds of the Cullen's house from Twilight, but in a smaller version. I get out of the car and wipe my sweaty palms on my dress. 

"Come on, Livvy", Grace says to me, she's already in front of the door, knocking. I quickly walk over to her, she wraps one of her arms around my waist. 

The door opens and I see Aurora. She's wearing jeans and shirt, so maybe I'm not the only one who is dressed up. 

"Hey girls", Aurora hugs Grace first, then me, "come in".

We take off our shoes and Grace leads me to the living room. I look around, the house looks very cozy inside. I see bunch of people and I feel my legs starting to shake, when one woman stares at me, judging. 

"Grandma!", Grace exclaims, running to the other woman with dark hair, green eyes and freckles. She looks like old version of my girlfriend. The hug each other so tight and long, and I'm standing next to Aurora, smiling, not knowing if I should say something. 

I'm starting to understand that Grace's grandparents sitting on the couch are the ones who raised the little sisters after their parents died. So the woman Grace's hugging is their grandma Ivy. And suddenly a man in a black shirt comes around the corner, he looks to be about 30 years old.

I meet Grace's grandma's gaze at me. "Here's this angel!", she exclaims, coming over me and I can't help but smile. 

She hugs me, so I hug Ivy back. "Hi, my name's Olivia", I introduce myself. 

"I'm Ivy, Grace's grandmother. She just told me that you're the love of her life, are you?", she chuckles.

"I hope so, I love Grace so much", I reply, "nice to meet you, Ivy". 

We hug once again, finally my girlfriend interrupts us. 

"Okay, here's my girlfriend, Olivia", she introduces me to her grandparents, which are already standing. I smile to them, wanting to say something, but they just nodded in greeting. "This is my grandma Claire and grandfather John, here's Aurora's husband, Sean".

Her husband comes over to me, squeezing my hand in greeting. 

After my stress subsides a bit, we all sit down in the dining room where a birthday dinner for Grace has been prepared. I take a seat next to Grace, next to me is Aurora, in front of us are their grandparents and Sean and Ivy sit at either end of the table. 

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