Challenge accepted

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The boys decided and declared to Alex challenge. When will it end. I know that they are talented and love music but still there is a limit for everything. They tested about who is better than who. I am just go to sleep and hang out with the girls tonight great. How fun why does guys always accept challenges or bets? Are they are trying to prove that they are a man and that nothing can stop something? Or they wanted to make a name for themselves. I have no idea what so ever. They decided to go to the music room all day. None of them came out. 

Are you be serious right now. Help me... Since there is three girls at the house while Blade is the only guy in this group just because he wants to be there for Jade. Also, he cared about music that his father and my husband makes. When things like this happens you don't wanted to get in the middle of it at all. We left the boys at home while we have to go to a restaurant to eat food. While we were eating I asked Emily was this the first time you see your son happy with Jade? That is a good question let me think yes this is the first time I have ever since him happy. Why is that well this might be long just bare with me. When Blade was born Alex and I was so blessed that we have him. But when he got older he started to feel isolated and depressed. I didn't know what was wrong with him. We tried talking to him but anytime we tried he won't say not even one word to us. He stared at me like he lost everything.

 His life seemed like full darkness and pain. But it all stop once he saw Jade. It was like you saw that most beautiful person that can relate to and your whole life changed. If it wasn't for Jade he might never smile ever again. Since Blade meets Jade it was like love at first sight. Now that Blade changed I feel that he can be a better person than before. Everyday he will come to us talking about Jade and you guys non-stop Emily said with excitement. At least he is happy and in love. Is this the first time he actually feel in love? YES, I believe this is the first time he actually feel love. I don't think that we had an good relationship with him because I am usually busy doing my things while his father have to go to tour a lot. We don't see each other as we used to . Now I am just focused on the future and see my baby boy becoming a man soon. I just wished that we can do stuff as a family I just don't know. 

Mom I know that you worry about me every day but I thought that you just cared about everything else but not me. The reason why I was so depressed and all is because i didn't feel love and cared. Since you and dad is always busy i felt that way. All that i wanted is to be in love and have the best time with my family. In my case, I only have half of it. Oh sweetie how come you didn't tell your father and I? I do but everytime i try it always end up say sorry another day and another day. I can't take it anymore. Other than that I am being bullied for most of my life. You didn't care if I was hurt. All that you cared about is ruining representation of being a mother and keeping your job. When I look at Blade i noticed that tears are coming from his eyes. He felt really bad right now. Emily need to step up a notch and support Blade. Emily look at me, what do you see in Blade. She looked at Blade and back to me. I see and felt pain, fear and a lot of neglect. I am a bad mother aren't I (Y/N).

 No, you are not a bad mother. You are just missing out of your son life. He needs his mother to tell him that everything will be okay.That things will get better and better. Yeah you two have issues but you guys needs to work things out. This needs to ends. Do you think it was easy when i decided to adopt Jade? I thought that I was going to be the worst parent for her. I thought that i was worthless and a disappointment to the family. But no I love Jade as well as the family. When Jade told me everything about herself. I had to stay with her 24/7 7 days a week. Because it was like she like a sister to me. She was the only girl to understand what I am going to second to my sister and my husband. Both of us had bad past and we thought that it was best to kill ourselves because of every god damn thing that happened to us.

 We had to help each other out daily just to make sure that we are okay. Jade is this true about your mom is telling me right now. Yes Blade mom it's true. Every single word that my mom that i love to death is all true. I am happy that I have a mom like that. Without her helping me out I would remain homeless and died. But no my mom decided to adopt me and have me in her life. I don't describe her as a adoptive mom. I really describe her as the best mom I had ever received in my life. We have a bond that will never be broken. We talked to each other every day regardless on the time. Moms are supposed to be there for their family. Now it's your turn and i bet my mom agree with me. Jade said while in courage. Blade sweetie please look at me for a moment. I know that you hate me right now. But i am willing to change. Please give me a chance on being a better mom for you. I will do anything to help you feel better please. I know that you are my son but i really love you Blade. Blade look at his mom and got up to hugged her tight.

He cried on his mother shoulder and said thank you. I am happy that i got my mom back. Please don't abandon me anymore. I am sick and tired of it. Tell dad the same please mom. Anything Blade. For now, lets remember this moment. We heard a lot of aww from everyone in the restaurant. After we were done eating. We went back to my house. When we got there it was quiet. No music was playing. That a record. I never suspected to be this quiet. All of us went to the kitchen and heard voices. Here we go. We stepped in the kitchen and the guys are still talking about the challenge that will never ever end. Please survive me. I was about to say something when I overheard some crying. I left the kitchen to go to the nursery. My poor babies I almost forgot about you guys. Mommy here stop crying. I had to change their diapers, put their clothes back on and feed them and they fell asleep. I heard some footsteps coming from the stairs. I wondered who? I saw Vic laying on the wall. Okay. Whats wrong Vic did I left something. No (Y/N). I just wanted to see my beautiful wife taking care of our kids. I walked over to him and kissed him. God i missed his lips. We didn't go crazy though. We stopped and gazed into each eyes. I love you (Y/N). I love you too Vic
. So are you guys still doing the challenge? Yes babe we still are. Okay. We won't do it until the next coming tour. We might prank each other like always. Fine.

Vic Fuentes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now