Pranking day part 2

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AN: I am bored as usual. So i decided to type another chapter great.

Here you go....

Vic's pov

After I gave Andy and Ashely money, I catched up with the gang to finish our prank. I know that pranks are just pranks but people loves it regardless if they hate it or not. Life is life, we have to do something to make things fun again before it's over. I look at the crowded roared for All Time Low. Maybe, during the show we will bring the table to the center stage and play beer pong with my other band members who are brothers to me. I know that we are not really related by blood but we have more things in common in other bands. Like we are mexicans. Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten - Lilo and Stitch. Once a family always a family no matter what. Now I wanted to go to Hawaii because of this. But later, let's just focus today event. I searched for the gang and found them at the backstage room. Bored like fuck. Sleeping engage not tonight. I asked them when is the perfect time to go on stage and set up the table including drinks. Probably in the middle of there song because the fans will scream and cheer even more and somewhat distract All Time Low when they are in the middle for the song Jaime said. True so who in? I said. I everybody said. OKay that was easy. In the next ten minutes or so we will get out of here, grab the table, bring in the center of the stage and somebody have to put the beers in their pocket while we are carrying the table. So who is going to do it. Since Tony is wearing a jacket he is our carrier. Fine, but what do we do in the mean time? While we have to watch some tv and we also needed to check on the time on their next song. Okay, we watched tv for the past few minutes. I check on the time and told everyone leggo. (AN: The prank that Pierce of Veil is doing is true. There is a video evidence that will show you what they did on stage. Look at the top and the story and you will find the video. Click it now. Or forever hold your peace.) We grabbed the nearest table that was close to stage and brought it to the stage. The fans cheered in more when we were setting up the place. Tony gave us the beers and pour it in our cups. Time to play beer pong. We started playing and then in the next second, Alex got my attention but that didn't stop me from completing this. Then again, we got Jack attention for a few seconds. He is a good person, I don't think that I will prank him maybe a little bit. It was Jaime idea but I don't care this is fun...

Time skip

The second part of the prank, we went back to the and got the hose. I spray it on myself and Mike, Jaime, and Tony. We look at ourselves in the mirror. Holy shit they did a amazing job. (Y/N) did my face and it have a full on skull face that was red, white and black. (AN: Does anybody knows Vic Fuentes favorite colors is. I really need to know.) Anyways, the same for the guys, but they had this black spider web design with the spider. Wow all of us looks awesome with this makeup and facepainting thing. We removed our jackets and revealed our bloody shirt including fake bullets in our shirt and skin but it's cool. Is everybody ready I said evilly. Yes they said and we went to All Time Low tour bus and knocked on the door. Alex opened the door and stared at us for a while. What the fuck happened to you guys. You guys were perfectly fine when you guys went on stage but i never suspected this to happen to neither of you. I sighed and said we couldn't handle this pain anymore. People were laughing at us saying that we are fags that deserve to die. They wanted a show we gave them a show with our true looks. Blood spread all of the body, bullets all over our body. We wanted people to show them true pain on how it is to be a dead person. We are dead and our body have gotten paler and paler each and every night. I started to realized that self harming is a good way to show it. Our soul is lost somewhere in the hell of a world. We can't stay here anymore. They are right we do deserve to die and we are fags can't you see. Everything that had happened in our lives always bring us down to depress and a little of happiness. But you can't save us now, its too late to help us. Why did you abandon us Alex. Oh now I remember you don't like fags. Everything in our bodies are in pain and suffering. Nobody save us, we were left to rot in pain. We never wanted this, we deserved everything. Jack, Rian and Zach approach the front door with horror. Our bodies have blood and bullets in all direction. Also, before we perish to hell, there is one thing we needed to say together. Here it go, Happy fools motherfuckers. We had water ballons and throw it at them. Other people joined in including fans and had a water fight in and outside of the tour bus. You do not mess with Pierce the Veil. Oh I forgot one tiny thing. They looked confused and turned around. There was Sleeping with Sirens right behind them ready with fight. They had water ballons, cannons and other stuff. Geesh we got our revenge and we put All Time Low in their place. You don't mess with us either. We wanted vengence on the pranks that you guys did to us and this is what you get. Cya next time when you attempt to prank us again.

AN: I can't think anymore as of this moment. Cya later with a new chapter. Love you.

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