Forgive or forget

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Andy's Pov

What the fuck did you do Juliet? I said to her with pure anger. I have known (Y/N) for a few years now and she has become one of my best friends that I had ever received. She is nice to practically everybody and she never in her life did something that she wasn't supposed to do. I understand that (Y/N) is a mother to her five children, she always have been there for her kids with or without Vic. But I don't understand what is the situation between Juliet and (Y/N). I hope nothing bad had happened to her.

I told (Y/N) to die. But I didn't mean to say that I mean it. With the baby coming along I just got of control. I don't know what to do and I put all of my anger and frustration to her. I didn't mean it I swear. "Juliet this is something that you wanted to do." Now you are pregnant what are you going to do? Because we hardly see each other every few months and I am not sure if this will work out anymore." Please don't tell me you wanted to file a divorce Andy you know that I love you. go

I don't know what to do at this point, Juliet. If you really wanted to be with me then go find (Y/N) and apologize. I can't cover just for you because it shows that you are weak and you wanted to somebody else to do the work for you. Juliet this is not something that can change like automatically. This is the reality that you and everybody has to deal with that like it or not. I am happy that I am going to be a dad soon to our child but you need to work something out with (Y/N). If you don't then (Y/N) will pull some strings that can ruin your career and be a mother that you wanted to be nobody wants that to happen. So stand up and go to wherever (Y/N) is located. I don't want you complaining or yourself and (Y/N) have to go through a lot of shit to work everything out and make things back to normal where there is no arguments, lawsuits, charges or anything beyond that. Go find (Y/N) and apologize Juliet.

Juliet finally got up after being defeated by her own husband Andy who she dearly beloved and doesn't want to lose.

Juliet's Pov

I need to come up with something to make things better again between everybody. But how? What will I do in order to regain peace with everyone that she truly cares about? All that I know is that this can end on a good note or the worst days of my life. I don't want to lose anybody with the baby coming soon I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Why I am such an idiot and kept my mouth shut and pretend none of this would ever happen but unfortunately it did. All of this madness started because of me. I need help but who is willing to do so? I thought to myself I hope there is a miracle and everything will turn back to normal like it should have been. I know that I have made people lives good or bad but I wanted to go to rehab because of everything I have been through in my life. Anyways, I walked downstairs to talk to Jaime and Tony I know that they hate me because of what happened to (Y/N) but the only thing I need for them to do is to accept my apologize and tell me where is (Y/N) that is all that I ever need from them.

"I know that you guys hate me and I understand that but I really wanted to apologize. I know that you two care about (Y/N) and my actions made things worse than before. I am willing to do anything just to make everything back to normal where nobody is injured. I am really sorry about what I did to (Y/N) it was just hard because I am going through a lot of myself with pregnancy, divorce and other shit that I didn't know what to do. I can leave if you guys wanted me to because I deserve it and you won't see me ever again." I said while staring at Jaime and Tony.

"Tony and I have to think about that. Juliet, I know that you didn't mean to do that but you caused (Y/N) to attempt suicide. I know about (Y/N)'s life and how all of the obstacles she had been through most of her life. The majority of her life was her trying the best that she possibly can to prove her parents about how she actually lived as well as her sister. She had been bullied all of her life and each time she is trying to be brave and stay alive but at the same time she wanted to die because she doesn't deserve to be in that situation at all but she still is as today. She would tell everyone about her life top to bottom without lying in any proportions of it. She was raped and abused by her ex-boyfriend or whatever you call another word of a complete asshole who didn't love her and treat her like shit. Her mother who is a bitch if you see her is a type of person who doesn't give a damn about her own kids. The only thing that she cares about the most is herself nothing more nothing less. Anyways, (Y/N) is a mother of 5 children all of this started when she was 16 years old when she had Evangelina who is currently twelve years old. She gave birth to her without anybody finding out other than her own sister Crimson who she completely trusts and all that. It was not easy for her to be the person that she is today. Juliet, you know that (Y/N) never had the best life until she met Vic. Once Vic came to her life everything changed. She was actually happy with being with him to the point that they got married because they had finally a soul mate that were searching for all their life and good ending not quite. If (Y/N) said she would accept your apology and everything else takes it course then I will accept your apology. But for now, you need to work things out with (Y/N) right now. If you wanted to know where is at she is currently at the hospital. Leave right now and talk to (Y/N) and Vic because he doesn't want to lose his wife." Jaime said and went back to take care of the kids.

I grabbed everything that I need and went straight to the hospital. I hope that (Y/N) will forgive me for all of the things I had done to her. It wasn't supposed to happen but it did anyway. I checked with the secretary people up front and asked them where is (Y/N) Fuentes? I am one of her friends and I just wanted to talk to use for a few minutes.

"She is in room 546A it is on the third floor and the last door on that right. Do you want me to take you there I believe that she have a company with her at this moment? One of the ladies asked me kindly. I nodded with a smile. She got up and take me to the room where (Y/N) is located. Once we arrived at the room I started to shake nervously because I might be in a fight soon with Vic and Mike. Hopefully, they will be quiet and not say anything until I am done with what I had to say. The lady opened the door to reveal a passed out Mike sleeping on a chair and Vic staring at me while laying in on of the hospital bed with (Y/N). (Y/N) was awake and surprised that I was here. Once the lady left and closed the door shit was about to go down.

What are you doing here Juliet? Vic said without yelling because his sleeping brother.

"I want to apologize to (Y/N) towards my action that took place today. It shouldn't happen in the first place I was just scared of everything that was going to happen to me later on in life and-" (Y/N) cut me off.

"I didn't know what to say to you Juliet because I know that you are a successful woman who needs help with a few major things. The reason why I couldn't think of anything like you wanted me to is that your life is towards tours, businesses, and etc... I thought that you won't be able to become a mother who is busy all of the time taking care of business and make the fans love and appreciate you. Congratulation on your pregnancy you are going to be a good mother but I think that you needed to take a break from everything that you had done and focus on that baby because no mother wanted to lose their child for multiple reasons. I accept your apology and forgive you because you are one of my dearest friends I had ever had in my life but I can't forget it. It will take some time to adjust but hey I am still alive and well. Vic is there something that you wanted to say to Juliet while she still here?"(Y/N) asked Vic who was about to fell asleep shortly.

"I accept your apology but please don't you ever do that ever again. I almost lost my wife and I don't want to lose her ever again" Vic said while trying to fell back to sleep.

"I will never do that again you have my word". I smiled and (Y/N) moved her arms away from Vic and put her arms wide enough for her to be in a hugging position. I approached her and hugged her back.

"Thanks for being here I really appreciated it. She whispered to my ears.

"Your welcome (Y/N) I love you" I replied

I love you too Juliet 

Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to update but here it is. I know that there is a lot of grammar errors but I don't care that much anymore. I tried and I was able to complete this chapter without having a lot of stress. Vote, comment and share this story even though it is not the best. Cya later guys and have a good night bye!!!!

Vic Fuentes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now