Nightmares and adventure

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(A/N: This will be a longer chapter. I am seriously bored and have nothing to do. I will add more chapters later on today...)

All of us had to go back to the parking lot and get my friend car. After all that madness I asked Vic if he can take Crimson and I home so we can get our belongs. He said yes and talk to the bus driver. I took him the address to my parents's house and once we arrived to our house we had to beg our parents to let us go to the warped tour and hang out with our favorite band ever. My parents said no at first but when talk about being antisocial and that we don't belong in the society where people is having a good time and that they do whatever teens do when they are younger. We never got that opportunity why do you always suspected that everything is okay. Both of us smoked and drink alcohol which was bad but we didn't know who to turn to. Every time our friends asked us do you want to go to my house and hang out sometimes we always say that we are sick and that we have to do some stuff for you guys. Do you know who it feels living in a world where people make fun of you no matter what is it. Do you guys really think that everything will be okay and have a happy ending because right now all i can think about is killing myself since those past years. I always say that i don't belong there and that if we killed ourselves things will be better. You guys don't know how much pain we are truly in. All you guys think about is for us to be happy and get our education. We did get our education. We did do bad things that we regret dearly but if you were good parents you should do the right thing for once which is let us live a world that full of adventure and be happy for once in our lives. Most of the time we have to pretend to be happy but we are not. We feel like slaves that have no life nor meanings. People will beat the shit out of us and say that we are worthless and we should have been died but no we are still here living in a prison where there is no freedom, no escape just a lot of pain and suffering. So let us repeat this one last time and listening to every single word until we are done. Can Crimson and I go to the warped tours and hang out with our favorite band ever? They said yes but how come you guys do tell us we will let you go and have fun. We never thought that you guys had a bad life during your childhood and adolescence years? Let us think about that 1) You guys never listen to us. 2) You guys don't care about what we do. 3) Every time we attempted on talking to you guys there is always a argument that ended up lasting all year long so we just gave up and harm our bodies. Our parents seemed worthless like they have done the worst job any kind of parents can identify. Our parents told us that you guys can go anywhere you wish. We wanted to apologize to you guys that we are dearly sorry about you guys have gone through. If you guys needed anything we will give to you. Here is some money just in case you guys get hungry or anything like that. Call us if anything is troubling or running out of anything we will try your best to be the best parents you guys will ever have. We hugged them and we started packing our stuff from our rooms. Once we got done we started loading the bus as well as my other friends. Before i leave my parents house i asked Vic to come with me you need to see my parents so that they know that i am dating you and not my abusive boyfriend again. He said okay then he kissed me. Just let me put on some clothes and i will be there in a sec okay babe? Okay I went back to my parents's house and told them mom and dad there is someone i want you to meet. I think you guys will love him as much as i do. They said okay. I went back to the tour bus and asked Vic are you ready now? He said yes he walked out of the bus and i hold his hand. We started walking back to my house and i introduced him to my family. My parents was shocked that i fall in love with another guy so fast. Vic told them that he really loves me and care about me. I know that (Y/N) have been through a lot of abuse where you guys almost lost her. But i love (Y/N). (Y/N) means so much to me also he/she the best thing that ever happened to me. He/She made me realized that he/she is my other half. The person i was looking for all of my life. I won't hurt him /her. I won't abandon her. I will be there for (Y/N) anytime he/she needs me. I don't care if i have to cancel some things that can be important but still it's not important as (Y/N). Every time i see him/her I always have a smile like i have never smiled before. Love is like a butterfly flapping their wings and spreading love to our souls. Love existed it's just that you needed to find the one and now i did. Every since (Y/N) and I begin dating i actually happy and excited that i have him/her in my life. He/She is a sweet, kind, helpful and courageous without him/her my life is incomplete. My parents stared at us for a long time. They said him do you promise to do all of that for him/her? Yes i will do anything in my power to keep her safe and show her love was supposed to be. They smiled and said welcome to the family. We are proud that you love birds are finally together. I wish you guys good luck and a great future. We laughed and said okay we will do that. We looked at the time and it's time for me and Vic to go. We told them it's time for us to go we don't want to be late for the warped tour in a couple of hours. We hugged them and left with smiles on our faces. Vic and I changed clothes and went straight to bed. I have never been this tired before. At least i have my true love with me. 2 hours later, while i was sleeping. I was dreaming about my ex. Why was i thinking about him. In the dream, I was in the same room the last time i saw him face to face. In a dark room seeing his shadow figure coming close to me. Every step he makes the more i can't breath. It like somebody was hanging to a rope for a long period of time. I was scared and i can't escape. I don't think that i will make it. He started laughing at me and started messing with his bat. He asked me do you like things this way if you don't then to bad. Umm here should i start. I was sweating as if i'm on a volcano ready to explode i keep on shouting no no don't do this. Things are not supposed to be that way. Stop abusing me. I didn't do nothing wrong. I helped you from thick and thin and this what i get. Shhh (Y/N) will you shut the fuck up already. I am doing this because it fun seeing you in pain. You deserve it. You cheated with multiple guys. But i have never cheated on you. You have been with me all the time. Now matter where i go up you are always there. He swing the bat to my spine and i cried in pain. He kept on beating me until every bone in my body is broken and all of the blood is gone. I scream again and again. Make it stop. I never want to this. STOP STOP IT. STOP. I was woken up by someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw that Vic was shaking me. What the hell happened in your dream (Y/N) i was worried sick about you. I told Vic that i was dreaming about my ex. Do you remember back in the hospital what i looked like? He said yes why? Well it was worse than that it's like seeing a very dead person comes back to life and get killed again. He hold me tight. Saying that everything will be okay. I am here for you. I am here for you. Calm down. I love you. He kissed me on the lips i hope that things will get better for you. I am sorry (Y/N) maybe in your next dream you will think about me being your knight and shining armor. (Y/N) I will be there for you I promise I will save you and never let go. I love you so much just think about us, your family and everybody who is there for you. I am here and so are your friends but we can also be family. That what family do to one another we will help you get better but you have to give us a chance and things will get better. In a few years you will be happy and full of love by then you will forget everything that jackass did to you. We love you so don't forget that. Please don't let this jerk get into your head at all. He doesn't deserve you. He already know that you will never gain him back at all. He did this to himself. He doesn't love you just pretended just for his own satisfaction to make you think that you love him. You need to move on with this guy and focus on your future and us as well as your family. The only way to get rid of this nightmare that you are having you need to let go. If you don't then things will continue to repeat itself until you let go. I am here for you babe. Now try to get some sleep we have a lot to do tomorrow. You know what move here i am sleeping with you tonight. I did what Vic told me to do without any complaining nor whining Good night (Y/N) Vic whispers. He kissed me and fall asleep with a smile on each others faces.

Vic Fuentes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now