Back to school

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This chapter might be about death nor someone getting killed maybe attempted still alive. It's just about the past and how things changes. I hope you guys like this chapter :) . I hate bullying so anybody know or experienced this in real life chat with me if you want to. If you guys do then you probably know that's going to happen from the first few chapters. Answers will be revealed.

Jade's Pov

Why in hell did I told my parents that I wanted to come back to school. Was it because I have like twenty of my credits already. What was I thinking. I should have stayed back in online at home where I truly belong. But, no I had to beg my parents to try again with school. I should I kept my mouth shut and said nothing at all. I am such a fucken idiot right now. I thought to myself. I am better off shuting up and not complain for the time being. What I am saying, I going to lose it. What if I go back to school and everybody would stare at me with digusted look at my face like I did something bad. Or maybe they will laugh at me because I am a faggot bitch that doesn't belong in that school. I really needed to stop thinking and focus on meeting up with Blade before we go inside. Maybe people at the school like me and have stuff in common or something. Yup I really needed to shut up but I just can't, I can't. Be brave Jade don't be a coward. I listened to music like always to block anybody from talking shit about me behind my back including stress. My parents drop me off at school just to make sure that I am okay and safety. Besides that we live like ten miles aways from the school. So I will complain about walking home regardless on what day it is. I told my parents bye and kissed them both on the cheek including the twins because they are sleeping and they will cry like crazy if they are awake.

Behave, don't get hurt in school because I will beat their asses if they hurt you again, My dad said.

Okay, dad I will be fine

He opened the car door and hugged me. If anything happen please let me and your mother know. We care about you, we love you and we are a family please.

Okay dad, I will but this might be a longer hug though

I don't care, I love you pumpkin be safe and I will see you later. But, remember call or text us if you need anything. Love you

Love you too dad. Also can we have lunch later on, I know that I have school but I just don't like their food they served here.

Yeah tell me about it. I suffered eat their food. Most of the time, It gave me a lot of diarrhea that I could not possibly hold in. So yeah I will pick you up later just call or text okay when it's lunch for you guys.

Okay dad cya later

Bye kiddo

My dad got back in the car and drive away. Blade was waiting for me the same spot we usually meet up.

I walked up to him with a smile on my face.

Hey babe how are you today and kissed me on the lips.

Hey, I am feeling kind of nervous about coming back to school. I don't know if the school likes me or hate me still

Baby, you will be fine, you have me and family by your side.

I know but still what if they still hate me?

Baby, I love you and nobody would hate you. They are probably jealous of you

How are they jealous of me of all people?

Because you have a famous family

So they are just jealous because of my family?

Probably but I can be wrong

Vic Fuentes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now