
98 3 7

Last Author's note ever

I think it is best to discontinue this story. Let's be honest here I suck at making stories as it is. People already know that I suck at basically everything I do. So what is the point of creating stories even though they are shitty, the grammar is all over the place? The more I try to make a somewhat better story the more fucked up it will actually become. I can't do anything right at all. I thought that I will somehow achieve on stories that people wanted to see and yet I can't do it right at all. What is the point of trying even though I can't do anything right? How was I even capable of making all of these chapters and making something that people like or hate. I just don't know what to do any more for this story. I am sorry but I don't know what to do. Nobody is helping at all other than telling me to update but why. Why do you guys want me to update so bad? Is it because you wanted to read something that the authors have to deal while coming up with new ideas and something that will grab the audience attention. Do you understand how hard it is to come with ideas that make you wanna go crazy and quit at everything? Life is full of obstacles that people either be brave and doing something that they are willing to do or just give up. For me, I am on the edge of giving up. Anyways, that is all I have to say and have a good day. Leave a comment or something about this. Bye 

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