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Reader's pov

I am soo bored right now. Umm I wonder who speaks spanish. Vic can you get everybody to the living room. Why? Because i am bored and all alone in the living room. Vic being sweet decided to get everyone for me. When they came downstairs or whatever they were at they look bored to.

What do you want (Y/N)?

I am soo bored. Can you guys keep me company.

And do what?

Speak spanish or something

(Y/N) you speak spanish Jaime said

Si, yo estudia espanol por o para cinco ano. ( Yes, I study spanish for five years)

Oh, so now you want to speak spanish this will be fun

Vic: What did you just say?

Me: I just said yes, I speak spanish for five years.

Vic: Tan tú nunca cuenta me que usted habla espanol. ( So you never tell me that you speak spanish)

Me: Porque tú nunca pregunta me ( Because you never ask me)

Vic: Si, si (Yes, yes)

Jaime: Cómo vengo tú no hablar a su la familia (Y/N)? (How come you don't speak to hablar to your family)

Me: Bien, que suceder era que yo no tenga a bueno la relacíon con mi padre y madre,porque nosotros siempre discuta a el punto dónde yo no poder maneja la presíon no más. (Well, what happened was that I don't have a good relationship with my padre y madre, because we always argue to the punto where I cannot handle the pressure anymore). I can contact my dad if I wanted to but with my mom it's just getting worse and worse on different occasions.

Vic: Does she even know how you feel about everything?

Me: No, I always tell her how my life is really is and all that she said that your life is like a sunshine. It was no sunshine just a lot of drepression and pretending to be happy and shit.

Vic: How did she know?

Me: The only way I can talk to her is where I do poetry on my life. She reads it and that basically her answer. She doesn't know everything about me like she said she does. The people that I told them my past and they already knew about it was everybody in this house and all of Katelynne family including some friends.

Kellin: Is that true?

Katelynne: Everything that happened to (Y/N) I have to see it for myself and when I did, I have to take her away from her family because they don't understand that more than us.

Kellin: So you guys know each other well.

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