The truth part 1

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(Y/N)'s pov

It has been five weeks since my recovery and now I am better than ever. But things seems to be strange lately. For example, if I ask Katelynne anything about the family she would be nervous for some reason that I didn't know. Is there something wrong with me? Am I just over reacting about this matter maybe or maybe not? I don't know what is wrong with her unless it involves Kellin, but I don't think so because they didn't get to any arguments or fights that much, so that is way out of the picture. Copeland won't know either because she is four years old and she doesn't know that much when it comes to her mother so that not going to work out. Her sons might know why she is so nervous around me because they are aware of their mom and all that so I better off asking them.

I walked around the house and noticed that Liam and Rowan are outside playing in the pool with their dad. I took a deep breath and opened the door that leads me to the backyard. I took off my shoes and closed the door behind me. I walked towards the edge of the pool and sat down with my feet swing back and forth.

"Hey, (Y/N) are you okay, you seem to be down about something what is up with you lately? Kellin questioned me while checking back on Liam and Rowan.

"I am okay the reason why I feel depressed is that Katelynn is hiding something from me. She had never hide secrets from me. I hope it is not something that can change my life completely.

"(Y/N) There is nothing to worry about alright. I know that Katelynne can be secretive sometimes, but she will tell you everything that you needed to know, but it will take time. Do you want to hang out with us? Kellin I asked me

"Sure I guess let me just change clothes, and I will be right back." I got you from the edge of the pool and walked away from the pool and immediately went my room. I heard some crying from my baby boy and pick him up. Vic was sleeping on our bed when all of this occurred I didn't want to bother him, so I took baby Victor and put him in the nursery room located next door. Once we arrived in the nursery, I placed him on a little changing area and started to change him. I had to wipe his butt with baby wipes and make sure that there is nothing else that needed to be clean in his body. Next, he began to giggle. He is so lucky that I have him, but he is a miracle baby. "He looks a lot like Vic but younger and cuter," I whispered to myself until I noticed someone wrapping their arms around me. "Even though he does look like me in my younger years, he still has a beautiful mother who I love very much. Vic told me. " Aww, babe I love you too. Since you are here can you help me change him, and we don't have to hear him cry all day?" I asked Vic nicely. "Sure" He replied.

A few minutes later, we were able to change baby Victor and put him in his crib where he passed out asleep in. "I have to take a picture of this" I whispered to myself. I grabbed my cell phone, unlocked the screen and took a picture of my baby sleeping. "He is soo cute when he is sleeping, and I forgot umm Vic can you get Jade to keep an eye on him while I go to the pool to hang out with Kellin and his sons please I said with my puppy eyes. " Are you serious (Y/N) you still using your puppy eyes like serious I thought that you are done with that but okay just promise me that you won't use it on me ever again. He said, and I just nodded. Vic left and got Jade, who was doing absolutely nothing, and now she has to watch the baby for the next few hours or less. I grabbed one of Vic's hands, and we went directly to our room and changed into our swimming wear. Once we were done changing clothes, we went to the backyard pool and had some fun with everybody else.

Time skip sponsored by I can't think of anything at this moment

Katelynne was walking back and forth for the past hour. "Katelynne what is wrong with you? Are you pregnant again? Then she stopped moving. "She is not pregnant (Y/N) Kellin shouted in the living room. Katelynne just stared at me. Something bad is going to happen tonight I can feel it. "(Y/N) I am not pregnant okay it is just I am in a situation that is complicated as it seems. For example, I have a friend who I love dearly is going to learn everything him or herself about a particular family member. I don't know what to do. I should tell him or her about this situation a long time ago. I don't know how he or she will react. It might change things forever. "You know you can tell me anything right? Whatever the situation it is everything will be okay. But if it is something that can change a person life then it might be difficult as it seems. But whatever happen I am here to help you out. "But what would happen if everything changes between us. I know that you are the best friend that I had ever had, but there is something I need to tell you right here and right now. I will not wait another day for all this drama will occur. Let me call my mom and ask her to come to the house right now. Because she has something to tell you. Katelynne called her mom, and this is what happen.

Katelynne: Hi mom it's Katelynne you need to come here right now because of the situation that happened a long time ago. Whatever happens, it must end on a good note.

Mom: Okay, I will come right now just give me some time.

Katelynne: Okay, but just come either way because you have a lot of explaining to do cya later.

End of conversation

"Katelynne what is going on? Why does your mom need to come to the house right now? Please don't tell me any bad news that I don't want to listen to at all. I told her while panicking. "It is nothing bad, but whatever happens, we are still family. She replied. "I hope so," I said

Nothing we know I heard the door bell ringing. Jaime opened the door, and there she is Katelynne's mom. But what is going on? I still don't understand none of this at all. I thought to myself.

Hello, Katelynn's mom what is going on? I told her

"It is best if you sit down so I can explain this situation. She said while crying. I gave her a napkin and sat down.

"I don't know how to say this but I-" Katelynn's mom was cut off by everybody in the kitchen and the living room. I look at everyone they were staring at her mom while Mike paused the movie that they were watching.

"(Y/N) As you know, I love you very much, and this is what I have to say. She took a deep breath and once again everybody got impatient.

"Just say it" Everybody was shouting

"Wait we are missing another person can somebody get Crimson for me so I can tell them what I need to say. Katelynne mother said while closing her eyes full of tears. Everybody started to complain, and Tony went looking for Crimson. Tony came back and got Crimson to the kitchen and sat back down.

"You can continue Katelynne mom. Everybody was shouting while eating some popcorn like it is a movie that they wanted to see.

"As you guys know I love you very much but what I have to say might cause some issues so please don't fight with me or anything like that because I can't handle that. Katelynne mom grabbed both of our hands and said.

"I am your mother" She announced in front of us and everybody else. 

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