Character Match-ups + Other

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Character Description for OCs: 

Gold Line (Golden Prima): Tall (She stands a few feet above Optimus), Slim-built femme with a mainly white frame with dark gold hip plating and pede linings, dark red shoulder plating, and ear fins. Bright blue highlights down her abdomen and one blue, one green optics. (alt-mode: Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+) Human name: Rose- 6'1 Female solider with one blue, one green eye, lightly tanned skin/muscled with brown hair with red highlights and two white streaks in the front. She is pretty serious but often times chooses to show her easy-going nature around her friends and family. Rose was born on Cybertron to Ratchet and Optimus under the name Gold Line (named after her maternal Aunt). After the first war, Optimus and Ratchet decided to send her away in an escape pod when she was asleep. She landed on Earth and Primus took pity on her, since she was only a youngling or a 1-year old in human terms. He took away her Cybertronian form, and with that her memories, replacing her as a human baby. Chief Charlie Burns found her when on patrol and brought her home to his wife, Lt. Col. Elizabeth Burns. Elizabeth fell in love instantly with the small baby and they agreed to adopt her and name her Elizabeth Rose Burns (it's a family name). Elizabeth(Rose) was ten when Kade was born and oftentimes they get into the biggest fights together with their clashing personalities. When Graham and Dani were born Elizabeth(Rose) got along a lot better with them. Elizabeth, not even a year after Cody was born, died through her military job and Elizabeth(Rose) ended up helping her dad raise him. Her and Cody are the closest out of all the siblings. Charlie and Elizabeth(Rose) had a big fight before she joined the military, seeing as he didn't want her gong into the military like her mother. Elizabeth(Rose) left anyway and went to a Medical Military Academy, graduating top of her class and earning her doctorate. She was then transferred to a joint base (Navy and Marine Corps) for her two years of MEDSURG and staffed the medical wing, treating soldiers. She meet Mitsy here and the two didn't get along very well but after they worked on a couple soldiers that had been in a training accident together, they grew closer. This was also where Elizabeth(Rose) meet General Bow and hated how power hungry and ruthless he was. He oversaw all combat training and when he saw Elizabeth(Rose) had potential he came to her with an offer; she would change her MOS and join his crew on a smaller scale job. Elizabeth(Rose) shot him down but couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the last time she'd see him. She was right, General Bow had her MOS changed behind her back and forced her hand, making her join his team and forbidding her from speaking to anyone about their "mission." Elizabeth had to cut off all contact with everyone, so she stopped going by her first name and Rose was born; she didn't want her mother's name involved in her job. 

Blitz: Bulkier mech with white plating/ light blue racing strips, light blue biolights down his abdomen, and bright blue optics. He takes after his Grand-carrier Ratchet in attitude and interest in becoming a medical officer; since he already has the build and mind for one. In the future he becomes earns CMO license and works over his own hospital, getting promoted after working there on a Trauma Team centuries prior. He leads a very successful career but is forced into a teaching role at the Medical Academy when he loses the use of his right servo to a degenerative disease. He grows to love his teaching role and gets to see younglings of his friends complete their medical dreams. (alt-mode: Light Rescue Truck) Human name: Orion- 5'11 male with a more bulky stature. He has light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Orion is more laid back than his twin but still shares Ratchet's grumpy attitude and humor occasionally. Orion is the older twin and holds that over Reagan's head. He is very close with his parents and his grandparents, especially Ratchet. He is named after Optimus, his full name being: Orion Charlie Burns. (Bluestrack calls him Oppy to annoy him). 

*Both Twins: They are extremely close throughout their childhood but grow apart a little when they go off to school: Blitz to Iacon Medical Academy and Bluestreak to the Iacon Police Academy. They meet up throughout their schooling to chat over Energon and often go home to visit their Creators at the same time. Bluestreak was the first one to know Blitz passed his National Registry test to become a Medic and attended his graduation; shouting his name the loudest. Bluestreak had two additional years of school after Blitz graduated but when she completed her training, Blitz was right there to cheer her on. Blitz worked at Beat's sparkling center for three years before moving his efforts elsewhere, getting hired on a Internal Medical suit and co-heading the trauma surgery team. After a century, he applies to get his Chief Medical degree and completes the course, earning his new title. He returns to the hospital as their Chief Medical Officer, where he meets his now fiance, Catalyst: an OBGYN and the head of the carrying/sparkling department. Bluestreak never settles with anyone but ends up becoming Amica Endura with Astron, when she becomes a royal guard.*

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