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Rose smiled at Lennox as she slung her Blues coat over her shoulder. They'd just gotten back from an important awards ceremony and each soldier/bot had walked into the base adorned with some sort of medal or award. Lennox gave her a small smile back, unclasping his neck clasp with a sigh, "Glad that's over. You'd think we were good shit or something." He nudged Rose humorously, "The higher-ups were really only there for our "companions"." He gave an amused chuckle before starting to unbutton his Blues Blouse and motioned in the direction of the blasting music, "Are you joining us?" Rose glanced at the base doors before a warming presence filtered across her link, changing her mind, "I'll catch up with you all later. God knows I've got to pregame first before hanging out with you lot." Lennox smiled goodnaturedly before patting her arm meaningfully, "Good job Rose. I mean it. I don't know how many times I've got to say it but thank you. I get to go back home to my family because of you." Rose shrugged him off with a stern look, "I should be thanking you. I've got to have the best XO in the whole nation serving by my side. Thank you....for always having my back." Lennox smirked, before turning towards the base, "Someone's got to." Rose shook her head with a smile and watched Lennox walk through the base doors and into the party beyond before turning towards the outcrop beside the base. She glanced up at the outside of the base building before feeling another tug on her bond toward the outcrop. She sent a quick tap to the bond before climbing up, where she sat down to peer over the side of the outcrop, letting her feet dangle over the side. Footsteps echoed behind her and she turned slightly, "You hiding up here OP?" The bot, in his holo-form, sat down beside her and overlooked the base building with interest, "No, merely taking a breath of fresh air, as you say." Rose sent him a humored look, "On the side of an outcrop?" A small smile overtook his face and he turned his head to look over her, "I assure you, I'm not alone." Rose raised an eyebrow but quickly replaced it will a soft smile at the sight of the holo-form who came to sit next to Optimus, "Ratchet? Out of the base almost all day and you're not back in your medical bay yet? What are the odds?" Ratchet scoffed, "Trust me, I share the same amount of joy in leaving the base as you have for award ceremonies...or after parties." He sent her a smug look, "Look who's hiding now?" Rose rubbed her chest, "Hiding? The way you were tugging the bond I thought I was in trouble." She glared when an equally hard tug pulled at the bond, Ratchet's doing. Optimus blinked, "Apologies, that was my idea." Ratchet smirked, "And it worked perfectly." Rose rolled her eyes, "You think a trained soldier would walk into a trap without wanting to?" She sent Ratchet a smug look, "You could say "I fell into your trap" but just remember stupidity is genetic." Ratchet scrunched his nose in indignation before turning to Optimus who was failing to cover his laugh, "Maybe creating a sparkling with our personality compositions was a mistake." He grumbled to himself as Optimus sent him a stern look, "Old friend, you don't truly believe that." Rose glanced out at the dessert in front of them, listening to the two banter. She leaned back onto her hands and looked over the sky, letting her eyes travel over each star, before interrupting softly, "You gonna tell me what you called me for?" Ratchet humphed and climbed to his feet, dusting himself off before extending his hand to her, "Mind a drive?" Rose stared at his hand with a confused expression but reached for it anyways and let him pull her up. She sighed and watched as Optimus stood up to join them, "Sure, why not." Ratchet sent Optimus a look before his holo-form disappeared. Optimus smiled at his absence before turning towards her, "Shall we?" Rose pursed her lips and lead the way down the side of the outcrop and down to the front of the base where she landed with a graceful jump. She turned to watch Optimus scale the outcrop but he'd already appeared behind her. He motioned to the doors and led them both into the base and towards the parking lots. He smiled at Ratchet's holo-form, who was leaning up against his vehicle mode, "You decided to wait for us?" Ratchet rolled his eyes before opening his passenger and driver doors without a word, his holo-form disappearing once more. Rose tilted her head curiously, "What am I supposed to do?" Ratchet's voice washed over her from his vehicle mode, "Get in the driver's seat, I don't trust Optimus to sit up there." Optimus sent her an amused look, "I would do as he says." Rose shrugged before hopping into his divers seat with a hum. Optimus climbed into his passenger seat and both seatbelts clicked into place tightly. Ratchet's engine started with a muted rumble and he backed out of his parking lot neatly. He angled towards the base doors before clearing them completely and starting towards the open road. Rose peered out his window and into the starry night, "Now I'm starting to get curious about what you're both up to." Ratchet's face appeared on his monitor, "Don't ask questions." Rose shook her head with a laugh, "Yes, Ma'am." Ratchet tightened her seatbelt with a small growl, "Stop that." Rose patted her seatbelt, "Alright I will...Momma bird." She was sure Ratchet pulled a gasket when his face appeared next on his monitor but Optimus thankfully saved her, "Ratchet she's only playing" He sent her a warning look before soothing him further. Rose patted his steering wheel, before resting her elbow on the sill for her hand to sit, and looked once more out at the dessert flashing by. They'd been traveling in comfortable silence when Ratchet finally slowed. He pulled onto a cliffside and turned his engine off with a hum. Optimus scooted over on his seat to allow Ratchet's holo-form to fill the middle. Ratchet crossed his arms across his chest and asked stiffly, "Do you recognize this place?" Rose turned to scan over the area they'd stopped at. She squinted her eyes and waited for them to adjust to the harsh darkness, "A cliff in the middle of nowhere....the same one me and Bee talked at?" She raised her eyebrow at him before accepting his nod. Ratchet shifted and sighed, "That conversation reminded me of the many things I haven't told you." He paused before shyly meeting her eyes, "I don't think I've said it but...I'm...I'm very proud of you Rose. I know I wasn't your first choice as a carrier nor was the war your choice either but...I realized that I haven't made as much of an effort to bond with you. I haven't been there for your struggles or your biggest accomplishments...and tonight just strengthed we haven't talked about what you want with us." He averted his eyes before nudging Optimus with a hard face, "Your turn." Optimus smiled lovingly at his mate before continuing, "As Ratchet said, many things are still left unsaid between us. We are your creators...whether you accept this title is your decision but we are giving you a chance...the fall of Cybertron not only lost us our home but our sparkling and I...we don't want to let this opportunity slip by. You're important to us." He gave Rose an imploring look before falling silent. Rose considered both their words for a brief moment, before stating promptly, "My name is actually Elizabeth Rose Burns. I was named after Charlie's wife, my mother. She raised me to be an independent thinker, prideful, and strong...but also caring and compassionate. She was there for me. I do not blame you for everything that has happened...but I also can't lie and say that it was easy not knowing where I was from. I had hopes of finding my birth parents as soon as I found out I wasn't a part of that family either." She paused before finding her words again, "I took my middle name because I knew I would never live up to the image of my mother. I don't think I'll ever earn that name...but Rose is who I am now. Rose was the one who survived, fought, and threw me into the position I am in today. Rose learned to be a strategist/doctor and become more than just a "super soldier." Rose was smart and applied herself to every mission, every training exercise, and every task she was ever given." She pursed her lips, "Rose is who I am and I don't regret changing my name...nor will take the one you gave me since I haven't earned that name either...I've lived a very long life...full of adventures, misery, and happiness...and I will never experience any of it in the same way ever again." She looked at both of her creators fully, "I don't remember much from when I lived on Cybertron...those memories still escape me no matter hard I try to remember them. But I don't need those memories to tell me what I know...I know you care for me, both of you. I know that even in the darkest of times on Cybertron you tried so hard to give me a good life...And I know it hurt you deeply to send me keep me safe." She looked up at the starry sky, "I can't forgive and forget the things that have led me here but I also know that without second chances or coincidences I would not be here as long as I have...I know you both seek something with me but...I am no longer a sparkling, on must respect that I do what I must to protect everything I have created here...but I want you to be a part of that too. I am willing to "start again" if you want to." She looked over both their faces with a steady look, signaling the end of her speech. Optimus and Ratchet shared a look, no doubt communicating over their private bond before Rose felt a nudge on her link. She tested it with a nudge of her own and was met with a pleasant warmth radiating from it. Ratchet clenched his jaw, "Your mother...Elizabeth...must have been quite the person." Rose nodded and tilted her head to look over Ratchet with a thoughtful look, "You two are similar in ways...but you're different from her and I love that about you." Ratchet sputtered, "Love!? You can't take that back now!" He turned gleefully to his mate and stated promptly, "You heard her." Optimus smiled at his excitement, "I did." He looked over his mate's shoulder to catch her eye, something similar to awe in his eyes, "You've grown beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I'm proud to be your sire." Rose's face softened, "I would be lying if I didn't say I'm proud to be your sparkling. You and Ratchet make quite a force to be reckoned with...I see where I get a lot of my traits from." She gave Ratchet a sweet smile, "Besides stupidity of course." Ratchet rolled his eyes and stated blandly, "You've ruined the moment." Rose shrugged, "And you could have saved it." Ratchet mocked her snark, "What happened to the mush I just witnessed five seconds ago?" Rose blinked and warned playfully, "Don't make me take it all back." Ratchet snorted, "You wouldn't." Optimus interjected before Rose could answer, "Thank you for sharing what you have tonight must be unusual for you." Rose shifted, "Yes, it is. I don't normally share a lot...if it's alright with you I'd like to keep everything with me until I'm ready." Both her creators nodded. Rose lightened her expression with a wink, "So does this mean I can officially call you Mommabird?" Ratchet grumbled, and sighed dramatically, "I suppose. But anyone makes fun of me for it and you've got to deal with the bruises." Rose nodded with a laugh, "Deal." She leaned back to meet Optimus's eyes, "Can I give you a nickname too?" Ratchet sputtered angrily, "You didn't ask me!" Optimus placed a calming hand on his mate's shoulder before nodding to Rose with a smile. Rose smirked mischievously, "Thanks, Sire." 

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