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Epps clutched his sides, hunching forward slightly as buoyant laughter escaped his mouth, joining the rest of the soldiers as they all chuckled over Lennox's previous banter. The XO smirked before finishing off his dinner, smiling at the flavor, "That's not even all of it, I've got plenty of stories about Rose before here." Epps patted his chest in relief as his laughter subsided, "That was a good one, I can't believe she tried that though!" Smith chuckled, taking a sip from his beer, eyeing the bots lounging near their table in the commons area, "Nah I bet Rose got up to some crazy shit." Lennox hummed, taking a swing from his own cup, licking his lips as he placed the beer down, "Yeah she's pretty vanilla now...wait let me show you some photos I've got saved, their the funniest shit ever." He quickly pulled his phone open to scroll through his camera roll, clicking open an album titled Funny, "Look at this picture...she got so wasted she didn't even know where she was." Lennox zoomed in so you could see Rose's flushed face smiling at the camera while she'd slung her arms over two soldiers, using them to keep her upright; she seemed to be in some kind of bar. The XO turned his phone back towards him for a second before displaying another photo to the waiting group; the photo was shot at a weird angle, enlarging Rose's forehead and eyes, accentuating the large smile on her face. Epps smiled goodnaturedly, pulling out his own phone to search through the photos, "I think I've got a couple of photos of Rose that were funny as fuck, let me see." Lennox smiled at his phone before swiping it open, Epps leaving his camera untouched in favor of watching the playing video, "I got so many bitches you don't even know Will..." Rose paused before smiling widely at another solider to her left, raising her beer in a cheer, "But of course that's not why I joined the military, just an amazing bonus." The group laughed and Lennox responded, "What bitches? I don't see any?" Rose turned to him, raising an eyebrow his way, "I'm looking at one." The video cut away as the group erupted into raised laughter, hammering on the table or doubling over to try and breathe through their cheer. Lennox shook his head as the laughter died down, "She really was a wild thing." "Was I?" The table jumped, whipping their heads around to stare at Rose as she eyed the table, "Having fun boys?" Lennox tucked his phone away, smiling sheepishly at their CO, "Just reliving some of the good old days." Rose hummed, pulling out her own phone to display a photo on her saved list. Lennox was lying on his side, posing sexily at the camera in his uniform while Epps blew kisses in the background. Lennox groaned as the table pushed in to get a closer look. Ironhide chuckled from the common area, "Feelin' good about yourself Will?" Lennox rolled his eyes, "That was for a video call we had, it was supposed to be a wellness check but General canceled so it was a whole lot of screwing around for an hour." Ratchet shifted from the command center, intent on bringing his work to the labs buried further in the base since the noise was distracting but was stopped by Ironhide's comment, "You ever know Rose was a party bot Ratch?" Ratchet blinked, setting his optics on the CO with mirth, "I did not." Ironhide smirked, "I guess it ain't too hard a pill to swallow...seeing as you weren't so innocent yourself." Rose raised a questioning eyebrow, "You liked to party Mommabird?" Ironhide snorted, "Party? He wasn't called the Party Ambulance for nothin'." Rose chuckled but Lennox responded before she could reply, "They called Rose Maneater during the academy, and after that, I think they started calling her....what was it, Rose?" Rose rolled her eyes, "There were so many rumors going around the Academy, half that stuff isn't true." Lennox hummed, still trying to remember the nickname, "You mean you didn't sleep through half the base?" Rose pursed her lips, "I..." The group erupted into laughter once more before Epps spoke up, "No way you did!" Rose opened her mouth to respond but Ironhide interrupted, "Like sparkling like Carrier." Ratchet sent Ironhide a nasty look, shifting his texts into one servo so he could smack the weapons master upside his helm, "Don't you start." 

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