Block Party

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Blitz smiled at his spark-twin, showing her around the spacious ball room they'd converted for their annual end-of-the year party. Bluetrack spun slowly on her heel, trying to take in everything while also staying out of every bots way. Blitz grabbed her arm, tugging her forward before she bumped into another bot passing the two. Bluetrack smiled up at him and tugged her arm out of his grasp, "Thanks! Wow this is a great thing you've got going here Blitz, I'm proud of you...are you ready for a new year?" Blitz shrugged his shoulder plating, motioning them both to a quieter corner, overlooking the rest of the room, "Not if it's going to be as crazy as this year was." He chuckled to himself, smiling at bots that greeted him when they passed. Bluetrack hummed, her helm tilted thoughtfully and Blitz couldn't help but look away from her eerily familiar one blue, one green optics. Bluetrack snorted to herself but stopped short when she noticed a group of bots trying to get the twins attention, "Blitz, you know those bots over there?" Blitz blinked, glancing quickly to the group his sister had motioned to with a smile, "Those are my department members, I should actually introduce you to them...who knows maybe you'll take a liking to one of them?" Bluetrack rolled her optics and mused, "Your the older one so shouldn't you settle with someone first?" Blitz shrugged and replied skeptically, "I'm not sure that's how that works." The twins stopped that particular conversation as they neared the small group. Blitz greeted a couple bots, his optics recycling to Bluetrack's frame with a reassuring smile, "Bots, this is my spark-twin Bluetrack...Bluetrack this is Catalyst, he's over our sparkling and carrying unit, Bery, over lab and research, Rollator, rehab and physical therapy, Highrise, trauma, Medline, long-term care, Cardi, sparkology unit, and Ekoshot, department head of frame studies." Bluetrack gave each bot a smile as they were named, looking over the bots with interest. Catalyst was the first to greet her, his excited voice throwing Bluetrack off, "It's nice to finally meet you Bluetrack, Blitz tells us a lot about you." Blitz gave the larger bot an unimpressed look, "Stop fangirling Cat." Catalyst huffed, winking at her from the corner of his optics, "This is the first time I'm meeting someone from your family, of course I'm going to freak a bit." Blitz rolled his eyes as Bluetrack chuckled, "It's nice to meet you Catalyst...Blitz talks about you too." Catalyst placed a servo to his chest, smiling impishly at the CMO, "Is that right?" Blitz shook his head with a roll of his eyes, "I talk about everyone here, don't flatter yourself." Catalyst ignored that particular statement, "I'm flattered you talk about me to your spark-sister." Bluetrack elbowed her twin slightly, "I like this one." Catalyst chuckled, his tone amused, "You and my patients." Blitz shook his head but he was smiling at their antics, "Alright, alright yes we can all agree you are a phenomenal sparkling department CMO Catalyst." The half white, half pink mech smirked, "You said it, not me!" Blitz chuckled, his eyes flickering up to Catalyst's with a soft smile before he cleared his throat abruptly, "Well, I'm going to give Bluetrack a tour before the party gets kicked into high gear." The group exchanged their goodbye's with the twins, delving back into their respective conversations as Blitz steered his spark-sister out the room and into the empty hallway. Bluetrack gave her brother an amused look, "He likes you." Blitz straightened up, looking at his sister with annoyance clear on his faceplates, "Don't start, I don't even know where you got that from." Bluetrack raised an optic ridge at him, determined, "Oh come on, didn't you see the way he was looking at you? You tell me about him all the time when he brings you Energon goodies or delivers charts to you personally...don't you think that's even remotely telling?" Blitz rolled his eyes, "Please. He's just being nice, we're good friends after all and I don't think nagging me to fuel more is 'telling'." Bluestreak hummed thoughtfully, "I don't know Blitz, I think you should go for it." The CMO gave her an unimpressed look, "Is that your professional cop opinion speaking?" Bluetrack placed her servo on his shoulder, shaking him lightly, "That's your sister'd be good for you." Blitz shook her off, "I think I'm good, I don't need anything like that right now." Bluetrack blinked, "Like what? Are you talking about a relationship or maybe just a fling? What would be so bad about that?" Blitz huffed, leading her to the upper floors and to his personal office, motioning her inside, "There is nothing wrong with either of those things. I just don't think Catalyst is the mech for me." Bluetrack cleared a spot on Blitz's desk and settled herself on the metal surface, "I don't know Blitz. He's super extroverted and super flashy....I think that's what you need." She waggled her optic ridges at him knowingly, "Besides isn't he your type?" Blitz pinched his nasal ridge with a vent, "I think it's a little bit of a turn off when he happens to be my coworker." Bluetrack rolled her optics, crossing her arms across her chassis, "And? You think that's stopped anybot before?" Blitz recycled his optics, "In the sense of keeping a professional work environment--oh and reminder! I have a job to do and so does he, it'd be a conflict of interest." Bluetrack leaned back onto her hands, swinging her pedes slightly, "Would you break any rules dating a co-worker? You know as your twin, who-reminder, is also a cop--there is nothing against dating a co-worker as long as both parties continue to follow establishment rules and don't endanger or inhibit the work environment....besides you'd look cute together." Blitz raised an optic ridge at her, "And? Is that supposed to convince me?" Bluetrack jumped gracefully from her sitting position, "Nope! You're just going to have to figure out your feelings on your own time...I'll support whatever you do, you know that." Blitz shrugged his shoulder plating, "That won't be the last I hear about Cat, will it?" Bluetrack shook her helm with a laugh, "Oh no, I'll be trying to set you two up as much as I possibly can, just you wait." Blitz huffed, "Great, another thing I have to worry about....'Hey Catalyst watch out my sister has this scrap-metal idea in her processor of us dating'." Bluetrack tapped him on his olfactory system, her optics glittering, "Oh come on, it won't be that bad!" The CMO only rolled his optics in response to her words. 

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