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The stuffy air of Jasper Nevada was slowly cooling as night took over. Stars started to shine brightly above the base, illuminating everything in soft lighting. Rose sighed, leaning back in her chair to watch the rest of the sunset leave the starry sky from the tall silo windows. She glanced at the coffee table she'd occupied for the majority of the day, organizing her work and books into neater piles. A few pede-steps shook the ground as they approached from behind the common area and a cool tone washed over her, "You should be in stasis soldier." Rose leaned her head back against the top of the chair to address the speaker, "Ultra Magnus, what a pleasure." Ultra Magnus straightened his back struts, folding his arms neatly behind him, "It is 9:00 pm...is it not one of your "sleep in" days tomorrow?" Rose nodded, turning her head away to view the sky again, and retorted, "It is...shouldn't you be in stasis?" Ultra Magnus shuttered his optics in her direction before letting out a puff of air from his jets, "I have guard duty tonight." Rose spun her chair to face him with a confused look, "Isn't Wheeljack on duty tonight?" Ultra Magnus narrowed his optics at her statement, "Yes he is...or he was supposed to be...but I offered to take his shift." Rose hummed, mulling over his confession, "That's nice of you...I know he's been working hard on those parts for Ratchet." Ultra Magnus nodded silently in confirmation, "He has been staying up much later than is recommended...so I offered to take his shift." Rose blinked with a small smile, "Catching feelings are we?" Ultra Magnus scrunched his olfactory system, Rose's comment digging into his seams, "I never said anything like that." Rose shook her head with a wry grin, "You didn't have to...I can just see it." Ultra Magnus sighed, kneeling down on one knee to watch Rose up close, "Optimus did warn me you were very observant." Rose studied his face from her position, "There isn't anything wrong with having feelings Mags...you know how Wheeljack feels about you." Ultra Magnus closed his eyes with a snort, "Yes...as I am constantly reminded." Rose chuckled, "No...I didn't mean when you two are working together...I'm talking about how he really feels about you." Ultra Magnus cracked a single optic open at her, the soft blue hallowing a light on her face, "How so?" Rose tapped her arms against her leg with a thoughtful expression, "I think he feels the same way...even if he doesn't show it directly....though Wheeljack's not the type to be shy about these kinds of things and I think that's a sign of his respect toward you." Ultra Magnus closed his optic again, resting in a full sitting position next to her chair, his knee joints releasing air softly, "Hmmm...I suppose you are correct...but there is no place for...that right now is there?" Rose glanced at the night sky once more, "That's up to you to decide isn't it? I don't have much advice in that department." Ultra Magnus followed her eyes, taking in the dusting of silver, "You are correct again...it is ultimately my decision whether or not to act on these feelings." Rose glanced at him over her shoulder, "At least try to be nicer to him." Ultra Magnus's armor shook with silent laughter, "I shall try." Rose nodded at him, "You can start now...he's not going anywhere Mags...neither am I. I'll take your shift." Ultra Magnus opened his intake to refuse but closed it, thinking over her proposal with a neutral look. After a few klicks, he rose slowly from his sitting position with a small tug on their dormant bond, "I will spend only a few hours with him, and then I will be back to take over my shift...thank you, Rose." Rose nodded him off with a relaxed smile, "Don't worry about it Mags...just go talk to him." Ultra Magnus rubbed at his helm before turning and disappearing toward the inventor's hab suit. Rose leaned back into her chair and studied her surroundings with curved alertness. A small link in her bond started up with a twinge in her head, "It is good to see you two talking again." Rose rolled her eyes, "Had to do it eventually OP." Optimus's bond filtered over her head lightly before he responded curiously, "From my brother's "joyous" expression I can only assume your conversation went well?" Rose hummed, looking in the hab suit's direction, "I think it did." 

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