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Orion fidgeted next to Ratchet as the medic cooed to their grumpy femmeling. The unexpected travel to Iacon Palace for a "family reunion" between his family and Ratchet's was going to be the sparkling's first long trip. And with only a couple minutes to go out of a previously quiet four hours, Ratchet was starting to pray to whoever above that Gold Line didn't fuse before they arrived. Gold Line chirped at her Carrier, frowning up at him as the car took another turn; rolling through at a leisurely pace. Ratchet bounced her against his chest plates, shaking his head at Orion as the car turned yet again. He booped the femmeling on her olfactory system, which prompted a giggle out of the sullen sparkling, "How far away are we now?" Orion hummed, checking his internal chronometer for the distance to his old home with slight trepidation, "Five more minutes." Ratchet left out a deep vent, smiling down at Gold Line as she started to perk up a bit more, "Good, she's starting to wake a little more now." Orion shifted closer to Ratchet's frame, peering down at the femmeling with a small smile on his faceplates. Gold Line reached out her pudgy arms to him and he caught one of her tiny servos in his own, tapping the sensitive plating teasingly. Gold Line squealed in delight and plated his servo again, trying to get her Sire to recreate the tickling sensation. Orion chuckled lightly under his breath, patting her servo again to entertain the lively sparkling. Ratchet huffed and laid his helm back into the seat, watching the two play through slit optics. Orion hummed as Gold Line grabbed onto his servo, manhandling his digits into different positions and watching with rapt interest as they moved under her servos. She tried to pull his servo closer but was meet with resistance. Gold Line chirped up at him and tugged again but Orion wouldn't let up, his chuckles sounding through the car. Ratchet snorted at Gold Line's frustration, saving Orion's servo before the angered femme tried to bite down on the metal plating. Orion shook out his servo, rolling his optics as Ratchet tried and failed to keep his own laughter hidden. "I was entertaining her." Ratchet shook his helm with a small, "I can see that...I also saw where she almost took your servo off." Orion huffed, "Her intake is too small for that." Ratchet shrugged, shifting Gold Line so she was more comfortably settled in his lap, "She could try her hardest though." The car crunching to a halt paused their conversation and Orion steadied himself with a calming vent. Ratchet tilted his helm at his sparkmate, his voice soft, "We'll be fine Orion." Orion glanced back at him, nodding in agreement before popping the door open, helping Ratchet to stand. He clicked a button on his forearm and the car rolled into a parking spot not to far off from this drop-off lot. Orion shook out his frame and motioned Ratchet forward, touring him through a side entrance and into a fenced in outdoor patio. Multiple bots were littering the courtyard type area, chatting causally or playing games with the younger members of their respective families. The two perked up as a familiar lighter blue and white mech moved towards them, followed closely by a larger red/orange mech, "Ratchet!" Ratchet smiled warmly as the mech approached, "Carrier!" The mech practically bounced the rest of the way, side-hugging the medic warmly before cooing over Gold Line in his arms, "And look at this little thing! She's adorable! My first grandsparkling!" The blue and white stripped mech studied Gold Line closer, nodding proudly as the red/orange mech at his side took a turn to greet his grandsparkling. Ratchet shifted her so the other mech could look over her better, "You lucky she's cute or Emmy would have murdered you." Ratchet winced as the blue mech perked up at the idea but his mate cute him off again, "I'm just kidding love." He rolled his optics at Ratchet, much to his amusement, while the smaller mech pouted at his side. The blue mech glanced over, catching Orion's optics and blinked, smiling kindly up at him, "Orion! How could I forget you!" He wiggled through the other mechs to Orion's side, tugging him into a full bear hug, "You look too thin, ugh you're working yourself too both are." He glared at Ratchet, pulling back from Orion's hold. Orion hummed, his optics full of mirth, "It's nice to see you again Emersa, Jasper." Emersa grinned, glancing back to Gold Line, "This is quite the surprise!" Jasper nodded along, "We didn't expect a sparkling." Ratchet placed the femmeling into Emersa's waiting arms, the mech practically beaming at her, "Well, you've got one now...her designation is Gold Line." Emersa seemed to smile even brighter, "I bet she's a little firecracker." Ratchet rolled his optics, "Tell me about it." Emersa's optics twinkled, "Well you weren't so behaved yourself, you're lucky you didn't have twins." Ratchet shuddered, side-eyeing Orion, "Very lucky." The two older mechs laughed at their banter. The scrambling of pedes drew their attention as the younger members of the families whizzed by, chasing each other in some sort of tag game. Emersa suddenly stiffened, placing Gold Line back in Ratchet's arms before tugging on Jasper's elbow and nodding to two bots approaching their smaller group, his plating shifting grumpily, "It's them." Jasper sent his sparkmate a warning look, opening up their circle to allow the pair to join them, whispering under his breath, "Be nice, they're our family too." Emersa humphed but collected himself nonetheless, his tone cold, "Sentinel Prime, Silva." The older Prime dipped his helm in greeting, not at all affected by the hefty glare he was given by the smaller mech, "Emersa, Jasper." The pale femme smiled warmly at the two, her optics alighting on Gold Line in Ratchet's arms with another regal smile. Silva approached Ratchet, bright joy humming throughout her field, "A sparkling." Her voice was soft but carried a power equal to the older Prime as he too joined her to look over the sparkling. He tilted his helm with a hum, glancing up at Orion with quirked optic ridges, "Our grandsparkling?" Orion nodded his helm, straightening his back struts under his Sire's inspection, "Her designation is Gold Line." Silva turned her joy to her own mechling, "Orion!" She purred as she neared, pulling him closer to inspect his frame before doing the same to Ratchet's with half-congealed delight, "You look happy my little mecha." Although Orion towered over his Carrier and Sire at this stage, Silva still held respectable height next to her mech and sparkmate; which prompted the nickname little mecha. Orion smiled at the familiar words, "I am, Carrier." Silva hummed, nodding her helm before turning to Ratchet, "And you? You look quite tired, would you like to-" "Jeez let him breath a little bit." Silva paused, turning towards Emersa with a blink of her optics, "Emersa, my apologies, I didn't mean to hover." Orion's Carrier gracefully stepped back to Sentinel's side, trying to still get a glimpse of Gold Line. Sentinel Prime narrowed his optics, his plating raised slightly, "She was only inquiring about Ratchet's well need for the rudeness." Emersa's engines rumbled but Jasper cut him off before he could speak, "It's been a long drive, we can all agree...why don't we focus on our grandsparkling?" Emersa rolled his optics before changing the subject, his tone turning clinical, "So how old is Gold Line, she doesn't look that big...were there any complications?" Ratchet shifted Gold Line closer to his frame, "No complications. She's only about a cycle old now but I had her about two weeks earlier than expected." Emersa hummed, "That explains why she isn't the biggest but that's alright; she's a lot cuter smaller." He wiggled his digits in her direction and Gold Line giggled, snatching one of his servo's to inspect the blue metal, "Uh oh, she's better keep an optic on her then." He chuckled as Gold Line continued to play with his servo. Silva hummed in agreement, "Two smart processors will surely produce a third." She thrilled as Gold Line looked her way, even getting Sentinel to soften as he agreed begrudgingly, "She is quite cute." Orion glanced at Ratchet, the two sharing hesitant hopeful looks as the grandcreators continued to interact with Gold Line. "Not as bad as I thought it'd go." Orion nodded slightly, "Emersa is completely focused on Gold Line." Ratchet hummed, letting Silva take the femme from him, "Sentinel isn't acting like he's got a stick up his aft." Orion chuckled, "I agree." The two watched their respective creators gush over their creation. 

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