Beach Day

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A gentle breeze stirred the crystal blue waters off the coast of Griffin Rock. Rose peered into the cove, perfectly hidden by the rest of the world. The team, human and Autobot, were enjoying the last of the warm days during August. Rose was lounging quite comfortably in a beach chair towards the back of the cliff face, listening in on Lennox's and Ironhide's conversation idly. "Anabelle misses you a lot, you know. Sarah said she really liked the toy truck you got her but it's not the same as the original." Lennox smiled at the ocean, his eyes filled with mirth as Ironhide collected his words at the sentiment, "Tell her I'll be over there soon enough....the whole Decepticon army couldn't stop me." Lennox chuckled, "She'll like to hear it." They remained silent for a few moments, watching the twins play harmless pranks on some of the group positioned closer to the water. Rose closed her eyes, listening to the murmur of their conservation start again while also letting the typical beach sounds wash over. Optimus, Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, and Drift were occupying the sides of Rose's spot; either talking or in Wheeljack's case, completely knocked out. Rose smiled to herself before peeking at her company, contemplating starting a conversation or not. Optimus pulled her from her musings with a knowing smile, glancing at his mate lovingly before watching her with bright eyes, "I've heard humans like to discuss the weather for small is a very nice temperature right now." Rose covered a laugh with a cough, watching Ratchet turn his head so he could listen in, "Yes we do...sometimes...Usually, small talk about the weather is used when you are not entirely sure what to say to someone you've just met...don't ask me why, but for some reason, it's a very popular question." Optimus smiled at her explanation, noting what she said for use later, "My apologies...what would you like to discuss then?" Rose hummed and thought on the question for a few moments before deciding on a topic with a pleasant smile, "You know I never'd you and Ratchet meet?" Optimus snuck a look at Ratchet with a small grin settling on his faceplates, his eyes were unusually mischievous, "We meet in the data hall I worked in...I had been assigned to this particular section for about 2 months; Medical Works, if I recall correctly. Ratchet was still in Medical Canidancy School, so he came to the hall to find techs on materials related to his studies. What was it, old friend? "How would you know what that is?" Ratchet glared at him, his eyes narrowed to combat the sun and his spark mate, "How was I supposed to know you knew what Mecanichal Macronutrients & Steroids were? Most mechs I know didn't care for anything I had to study." Optimus stared at him fondly, "Is that why you kept coming back?" Ratchet rolled his eyes in Rose's direction before redirecting the story, "You know what? Fine...when Optimus and I first started seeing each other..." He was quickly interrupted by Optimus's protest, "I do not think that is an interesting story." Rose perked up, adjusting her chair in a more upright manner, smiling at Ratchet, "No, no what were you going to say?" Ratchet raised his brows at Optimus, who was giving him a slightly pleading look under the serious facade. Ratchet ignored him with a light tease to their bond before clearing his throat and starting again with laughter in his voice, "Optimus...well Orion back so nervous on our he slammed into one of the stacking shelves on our way out of the halls; knocking down a set of heavy books and I had to take him to the hospital I was doing rotations at to look him over." He smiled at his mate with amusement clear in his mannerisms, "I thought he wasn't going to talk to me ever again out of sheer embarrassment." Optimus shook his head with a grumble, "I didn't mean for the stacking compartment to fall on me...I thought it completely ruined my chances with you." Rose laughed at Optimus's seemingly dejected look before Ratchet interrupted, "I found it amusing that you tried so hard for me." Optimus rubbed at his face smiling at Ratchet's infectiously bright mood. Rose looked between the two with an amused look, "When did you know you wanted to be together long-term?" Ratchet eyed Optimus for a minute, deciding on an appropriate answer, "Right before he became Optimus...he was special...he needed to be if he was going to put up with my personality." Ratchet huffed a chuckle at Optimus's outraged look. Optimus sniffed, "You're personality balanced out my lack of one...I believe I first knew when I saw Ratchet do his sparkling rotations..." Optimus paused, warmth filling his voice, "...he didn't like sparklings...said they were too loud, but he was amazing with them." He turned his eyes to Ratchet who was rolling his eyes at his sentiment, "There not all that bad." He caught Rose's eyes with a wink before leaning back into his bonded with a content sigh. Rose shook her head at the two, enjoying the serenity of the moment. 

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