Military Ball

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Shouts and cheers were echoing throughout the base common area as the soldiers and bots (in their holo-forms) showed off their Dress Uniforms and Tuxedos. Lennox bowed dramatically, brushing off his shoulders with a smirk in the groups direction. The rest of the soldiers roared happily, high-fiving and fist bumping the XO as he passed them to take a seat on the crowded couch. Epps leaned back into his chair, "Where's Mitsy and Rose? We've got to leave in few." Lennox mimicked brushing his hair, "Probably putting the last touches to their looks, eh Drift?" The samurai meet the XO's look coolly but shrugged all the same, "She is still getting ready." Lennox met the eyes of some of the nearest soldiers before turning his serious expression on Drift, "No funny business tonight, alright? We expect her home at 12:00 pm sharp, you got that?" Drift hummed, amused, "I believe Rose is an adult." Lennox crossed his arms with a huff, "Well yeah but someone's gotta say it." The clearing of a throat broke everyone out of their conversations and all heads turned towards the private soldiers quarters. Rose and Mitsy smiled at the group before heading towards them, ignoring the wolf whistles and cheers they received. Mitsy had her brown hair slicked back into an elegant pony tail, a couple jewels blinking merrily at the group, and the ends of her ponytail were curled slightly. Her earrings were small silver raindrops and simple necklace accessorized well with her navy blue ball-gown dress and her black heels made her almost even with the soldiers heights. Mitsy rolled her eyes at their fanfare, accepting Epps arm when he offered and winking at Rose as everyone turned to gush over her. Rose was dressed in a velvet maroon ballgown, the sides parting to show a shallow slit and the fabric at her collar resting off her shoulders to show off the toned muscle underneath. Her hair was pulled up into an elegant bun and small jewels, the same ones in Mitsy's hair, sparkled in the lighting. She was wearing simple gold earrings and a matching necklace with black heels to finish off the look. They both looked stunning. Lennox smiled softly up at her, offering his arm to the CO. Rose accepted with a knowing look before turning to address the rest of the group, "Everyone ready?...Good...we've got a long night ahead so let's all try and return in one bar fights this time." She raised a pointed look to her soldiers, "Lennox, Mitsy, Epps, Optimus, Ratchet and I have to run a couple manorial meetings and then we'll be free to join you guys. Smith you're in charge...don't let this lot get wasted without us, okay?" Smith smirked with a nod, a couple soldiers clapping him on the back. Rose paused to look over everyone in approval, "We're celebrating the Marine Corps 248th Birthday so the ceremony will be first...I don't give two shits to which branch you came will be respectful to our traditions, understood...Epps?" The third in command rolled his eyes, "Oorah Rose." Rose smirked at his hesitant tone, "Anyone have any questions before we get going?" The soldiers looked among themselves but no one seemed to have anything to add. Rose nodded, motioning to the mountain of vehicles before her, "Well let's get going, shall we?" 

*Later that night*

The ball room was washed in a million moving lights, adding to the pleasant low-fi music in the background as the room filled with chatter. Rose smiled as Drift squeezed her hand comfortably, his own eyes watching the stage as the staff started to set up the ceremony. The rest of N.E.S.T was positioned around her head table, drinking and boasting loudly among themselves. The lights dimmed suddenly and the Commandant of the Marine Corps appeared on stage, his uniform pristine, even in the dim lighting. He cleared his throat before looking around the packed room with a twinkle in his eye, "I'd like to start by thanking everyone who came out to celebrate our Birthday this year! We have the explicit honor of hosting many specialized teams and our central bases. Thank you for your service." He smiled at the crowd again, "Now...since there are some new faces here I'll start at the beginning. The Marine Corps has been alive for a long time...not as long as some of you in this room but it's defiantly up there." The room chuckled at his remark, "Today marks just one of the many days we will celebrate the start of this beautiful branch of service. Now I know we've got some mixed service in here but I can biasly say, the Marine Corps is above all. I've served in the Corps for 28 years now and I wouldn't replace a single second of it. Its brought me enormous opportunities, friends and family members and I've had the honor to work with incredible soldiers, marines, sailors, and pilots who each come with their own stories of their service to our Country and what we stand for." The Brigadier General paused to glance at N.E.S.T's table with a knowing smile, "The Marine Corps stands strong and my brothers and sisters who are veterans or still currently servicing will continue to carry the legacy of those before us!" He raised up a scarlet wine glass and motioned for everyone to stand. Rose grabbed her own glass, squeezing Drift's hand before dropping it to pay her respects. The room went quiet as the man started his toast, "I know we're all dying for cake and the dance floor...and bar to open but before we begin the celebrating I would like to give a toast to those who can no longer be with us today....those how served and now are resting as deserved...those killed or missing in action....those serving still...and those who will serve in times to come. We all hold a important role in keeping this world together and I can not thank each and every one of you enough for taking on this task!" He raised his glass higher with a smile, his eyes glassing over at his meaningful words, "I toast the Marine Corps, may she live on! Oooo-rah!" The room answered his call with loud shouts of there own. The Commandant took a sip of his glass before motioning to the tables to silence the cheers, "I'd like each CO to take a toast for the base and branches they represent...starting here." He pointed his glass at the N.E.S.T's table with a twinkle in his eye. Rose smirked, raising her glass up again, before meeting her soldiers and Autobot's eyes, "I toast the hardworking men and woman of N.E.S.T representing the Marine Corps, Army and Cybertron! Here-here!" The room reposed with loud shouts, her own soldiers being the loudest. Rose turned back to the tables, joining in as each CO added their remarks. When the last table quieted down, the Commandant motioned for them to sit again. He placed his glass aside before jumping down from the stage, making is way over to the large table in the center of the ball room. He clapped his hands and the staff pushed a large covered tray to him, placing the silver platter on the scarlet and gold clothed table before moving quickly out of the way. The Commandant uncovered the plating to reveal a large sheet cake with the Marine Corps logo, various red/gold piping around the sides and hundreds of cupcakes accompanying the cake. He reached to his side and drew his Mameluke sword, splitting the cake neatly before smiling. He took a piece for himself before opening his arms wide, "Happy Birthday Marine Corps!" The tables all rose to their feet and rushed to the table, singing the tune Happy Birthday in various groups. The N.E.S.T team go to the cake last and by that time the music had started to change as the stage was moved inward, revealing the large ball room dance floor. The lights dimmed even lower before scarlet and gold sparklers and smoke filled the room. Epps whooped loudly before racing to the dance floor, dragging Lennox with him. The rest of the soldiers followed suit after placing their dessert on the table. Rose rolled her eyes before sitting back at the table, smiling at her groups uncaring ease. Mitsy, Drift, Ultra Magnus, Optimus, and Ratchet joined her shortly after. Rose took a small sip out of her wine glass, smiling bigger as two Marines from another base approached Mitsy with an offer to dance. Mitsy looked at her for help but Rose shrugged, laughing at the Doctors sore expression as the two led her away. The music grew louder till even the room was shaking but no one seemed concerned or complained...well except Ratchet. The remaining team watched the others or talked among themselves quietly. The familiar songs passed over until the DJ landed on one of Rose's old favorites and most popular, "Low" by Flo Rida started up, making the crowd cheer loudly. Rose laughed as her soldiers rushed over to her spot, pleading loudly for her to join them. Rose rolled her eyes and crossed her arms with a teasing smirk, "Not tonight." Lennox clasped his hands together with a pout, "PLEASE! JUST THIS ONCE!!!!!" Rose sighed but before she could protest more, Epps grabbed her hand and pulled her up, stealing her from Drift's hands and whiskered her towards the dance floor. Rose shook him off but walked with the rest of them to the dance floor without another word. 

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