Back to Earth

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The hallways were eerily quiet as Rose drifted through the N.E.S.T. base back on earth, her mind too active to sleep, as well as her sparkling. She breezed down a corridor before coming to a halt in front of the portraits that lined this hall. Countless soldiers and Autobots filled the blank canvas with smiles, frowns, or group photos; where you could barely spot which person was being remembered. Rose's hand drifted over familiar pictures, their timelines stamped in her brain permanently. The ones oldest lay accessible through her holo-form, lining the bottom row of the wall while the newest towered above her. Losses of whom she knew and even greater numbers who were only recognized by name. She stopped to wipe the dust off her own portion, put there many years ago to symbolize the death of her old life before she was a N.E.S.T. soldier and an ode to her service in the Black Sheep Squad. The picture was chosen by command. She was dressed in scrubs and a white pristine doctor coat, fresh out of combat medical school. Her hair was neatly pulled back into loose French braids which lay at her shoulders and her eyes shone through the picture with an unfamiliar brightness. She looked happy. Rose gave herself a small smile before stepping back to view the scripter printed below, "Dr. Elizabeth Burns. Medical Combat. B. S. S. Friend and Family." Her timeline showed no start or end, just a simple sentence detailing her life at the time. She thumbed over the lettering with a sigh. "It's late." Rose stiffened at the voice, and rose to her full height, glare softening at her interpreter, "Drift, you should be in stasis." Drift's holo-form looked past Rose to her portrait on the wall before meeting her eyes with a cool look, "As should you." Rose rubbed at her face, her sparkling giving a jolt through their bond as it sensed its sire, "I couldn't sleep." Drift's expression softened and he inched closer to her, "What is on your mind, blossom?" Rose shrugged, glancing at her portion, "It's nothing, I just haven't visited this hall in a long time." Drift moved to gently tug her into his body, being mindful of their spark, agreeing, "It has been a long time since we've been to earth." Rose leaned into his comforting presence, "You really think it's a good idea to have our sparklings here instead of Cybertron?" Drift took a few minutes to answer, "I think Ratchet's reasoning is sound...but if you'd be more comfortable on Cybertron I will follow." Rose shrugged, "As long as Ratchet's here I'll be fine." Drift inclined his head, sarcasm plain in his voice, "I think Jetstorm and Slipstream will enjoy the stay...Russel and Denny will watch over them." Rose chuckled, smushing her face into his chest, muffled, "They're not your mini-cons anymore Drift let them be." Drift's shoulders stuttered as he shrugged, "It is only temporary." Rose hummed, "You're just too proud to admit you'll miss them if this were permanent." Drift ground his denta, "Yes I suppose I am." The couple parted and Drift looked over her, "Are you alright? Is the sparkling active tonight?" Rose nodded firmly, "Sitting around all day was making me itch and I think the sparkling agreed. He's been making me nest all day." Drift placed a hand on her raised stomach, "I believe Ratchet said that would be normal at this stage." Rose nodded, placing her hand on his, "It is...doesn't make it any less annoying." Drift pulled back before placing his hand at her back, ushering her back toward their shared hab-suit, "You should rest."' Rose rolled her eyes, "That's all I do." Drift snorted, "I disagree, you work too hard sweetspark." 

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