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Drift's optics slowly onlined, as the rest of his frame shuddered awake. A jet of air left his nasal ridge as he huffed, propping himself up on the berth. His optics refocused on the area around him and he took in his surroundings with sharp senses, not inhibited by the deep status sleep he'd been in for the past six hours. Drift stretched his back struts before popping nimbly off the berth and strolling soundlessly into the living room where both his students and spark-mate were sitting in various states of relaxation or work. Drift checked his internal clock and scrunched his nasal ridge in disbelief, he'd slept through most of the day. Rose's audial fins pinned in his direction and her optics followed soon after, greeting Drift with a distracted smile. She was propped up in one of the chairs, facing the couch, with a data pad collection displayed out in front of her, diligently studying its contents. Drift returned her smile with an equally soft one and made his way to sit by her side. As he approached her chair, he peered over the couch in his wake, watching the two mini-cons stir as his pede-steps echoed across the silent living room. Jetstorm stared at his Master with slitted eyes. Not fully awake yet, he greeted Drift with a wave and curled back, once more, into status. Drift turned his gaze to Slipstream, who was watching Rose's datapad stack with an interested look. Slipstream turned to refocus his optics on Drift and greeted him with a polite bow of his head, which quickly turned into a scowl as Jetstorm clung to his lower frame. Slipstream pushed him off with an ungraceful growl and retreated to the far side of the couch, his attention back on Rose's work. Drift sent a warning look to Slipstream, whose growl had disturbed Jetstrom into opening his optics again. Slipstream sent him an apologetic look before signing for Jetstorm to fall into status again. Jetstorm shrugged tiredly before falling into staus one more. Drift nodded his head, satisfied, before coming to rest next to Rose's chair, falling naturally into a meditative position. Rose acknowledged his presence with a glance before falling back into her work. Drift's bond received a hesitant tug and Slipstream's voice floated through the link, "Master...she's been working the entire day...I think...I think she needs a break." Drift shuttered his optics before replying, "I will try...thank you Slipstream." Slipstream slowly closed the bond again, curling comfortably into his side of the couch, careful not to disturb his brother. Drift looked over the datapads he could reach with his optics, swirling the charts and forms through his helm. He carefully snatched a couple from the armrests and pulled them into his lap, where he studied the contents. He snorted before meeting Rose's set face, "This is all work that can be continued tomorrow, my blossom." Rose peered at the work in Drift's lap before glancing at the rest in front of her, "These forms need to be sent in tomorrow morning and the charts aren't completed quite yet...I have to finish them sooner rather than later, Drift." Drift hummed at the use of his name instead of a nickname, their usual banter wasn't working on her, a tale-tell sign she was distracted. Drift stacked the pads he possessed into a neat pile next to the chair, "My blossom, you've worked the entire day on these, surely the forms must be done and ready to be sent in the morning...as for the charts I will personally work with you on them tomorrow." Rose considered his proposal before looking over her forms. She nodded slowly in agreement before stacking them next to Drift's pile, "You're right, like always." She stretched before laying across the length of the armchair. Drift moved her arms out of the way of his helm crest, and corrected, "Hai, not always right." He straightened gracefully from the ground and picked Rose up gently from the chair before positioning them comfortably down together. Rose relaxed against his frame with a sigh, "You missed out on most of the day." Drift hummed, "Yes, I'm aware...I wonder who forgot to wake me." Rose grinned up at him, "I didn't forget...just wanted you to sleep in, you deserve it once in a while." Drift purred into her neck before straightening with a cough, realizing his pupils were still situated on the couch, "It was...nice." Rose rubbed her optics, "Does that mean you'll do it more often?" Drift considered her words thoughtfully, "Only if you'll join me." Rose punched his waist playfully, "The twins too?" Drift glanced up as Slipstream straightened, "I suppose they've earned it." Rose patted his shoulder plating with a smile, "You're going soft." Drift huffed, and countered, "You're turning me soft." Rose rolled her eyes, "You're just using me as an excuse." Drift glanced up at his pupils once again, "Hai." He returned his attention back to Rose with a softened expression, "It is hard not to fall soft when one has such wonderful bonds." Rose's smile softened and she glanced at Slipstream, who she could tell, through the bond, was brimming happily. Rose nuzzled into his form, "You're such a softie." Drift let her tease slide, soothing the back of her helm with his fingers, "I learned from you." Rose scrunched her nasal ridge, and answered with soft sarcasm, "Yes because I'm so sweet." Drift considered her words with a small smirk, answering her through their private bond, "In more ways than one, blossom." Rose flicked his helm crest with a glare, "You're horrible." Drift chuckled softly, smushing his face into her neck cables with a grumble, "You don't believe such things." Rose sighed against him, "No, I don't." Drift pulled away and overlooked her frame with sudden concern, "Did you sleep at all last night?" Rose's frame rumbled, "Yes, you were hogging all the space." Drift rolled his eyes, "You say that every night, even when we don't sleep in the berth together." Rose shrugged, "Yes, and I will continue to say it, Princess." Drift ground his denta at the annoying nickname but allowed it to slide since Rose was slowly settling into status. Drift shifted to allow Rose a more comfortable rest against his frame before leaning back into the chair and observing the room. He locked eyes with Slipstream who was watching the two with an amused expression. He opened their bond with a small tap, "She truly is good for you Master...for all of us." Drift nodded slowly, "Yes, she is." He sent a hesitant affectionate push to the bond before closing slowly, watching in amusement as Slipstream's face contorted with excitement. He stilled himself with barely controlled happiness before sending the same tap back, Drift receiving it with a small smile. Drift sighed, closing his optics and allowing his mind to wander peacefully, meditating in a sense. Rose pushed further into his frame and drift soothed her back struts with soft circular motions, lulling her to relax again. 

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