Day With The Creators

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Optimus glanced behind him, watching the almost empty base from his post at the monitor. Ratchet was working next to him, his digits gliding deftly over the keyboard. The taping of keys paused as Ratchet noticed the Prime's processor was elsewhere, "Optimus?" The larger mech turned to face the Medic, an apologetic smile lining his face plates, "Ah, I apologize Old Friend...I seem to be distracted today." Ratchet narrowed his optics with a huff, "Alright, spit it out, what's wrong?" Optimus let out a ex-vent, his plating rattling as he shifted the blue and red metal carefully, "Wrong is a stronger word than I would use for this....situation." Ratchet rolled his optics, "Okay then. What are you staring at or...what are you looking for?" Optimus recycled his optics and looked at the open base again, "I am just....." The Prime paused to look up at the Chain of Command Wall, where all of the  O.G N.E.S.T. solders were pictured. Ratchet followed his gaze with a soft ex-vent, "Is this about Rose?" Optimus stilled, keeping his optics on the portraits and corrected, "Golden Prima?" Ratchet shrugged his shoulder plating, "Slipped my that what's bothering you?" Optimus turned away from the wall and back to the monitor they were going through, transferring all the information to their stores on Cybertron, "I..." The Prime trailed off looking to Ratchet with a defeated look. The Medic vented, "I can't read your processor Optimus." The mech raised his optics ridges and Ratchet corrected, "You have to tell me what's wrong, I'm not going to search in that helm of yours for the answer." Optimus blinked, "I am concerned....that Golden Prima is not the same as..." Ratchet raised his optic ridges with a snort, "As Rose? She seems the same to me." Optimus hesitated but stayed quiet, leaving Ratchet to answer, "She's the the same femmeling we raised Optimus....course she's grown, been a human on earth for 30 something years and now is a Prime but....the same." Optimus chuckled, "You make a compelling argument." Ratchet's optics softened and he brushed his field over the Prime's comfortably, "She'll be fine." Optimus allowed his frame to relax under Ratchet's soothing EM field. The Medic vented and his own worry flooded into his optics as he added, softly, "I'm worried too." Optimus hummed and Ratchet continued, "She doesn't need us as much as I thought she did huh?" Optimus chuckled softly, "No....she does not....She's grown up." Ratchet glanced at the monitor, powering it off with a click and rounding to face the Prime fully. Optimus looked at the Medic questioningly, "We are not done." Ratchet waved away his concern, "We can finish that later, I think we should go pay Golden Prima a visit." Optimus shifted slightly but Ratchet stopped him before he could protest, "Eep, Eep, none of that." Optimus closed his intake with a small roll of his optics, allowing Ratchet to power on the ground bridge and lead him through to the other side; Cybertron. The two shook over the disorienting feeling of the green portal and made their way through the hall to the main common area, where a few familiar bots were lounging. "Ironhide, have you seen Golden Prima?" The weapons master greeted them briefly, "Last I checked she'd holed herself in Iacon." The pair nodded their thanks before going out to the streets, passing shops and crowds of bots as they reached Iacon's steps. Ratchet grumbled as another bot bumped into him, Optimus placing a steady servo on his shoulder plating as they made their way through the crowd. They made quick work of the steps and finally managed to squeeze into the packed halls. Optimus shared a perplexed look with his mate; the halls had never been this busy before. "Ratchet?" A blue Medic grabbed their attention as he passed, his arms full of Medical books, "Can you believe how crazy it is in here?" Ratchet perked up at the familiar bot, "Beat! What are you doing in here? I thought you'd be in the clinic by now." Beat blinked, gesturing to the books in his arms, "Research right now, Goldie's got me on a project but I've got Mix watching the clinic for me." Ratchet raised his optics ridges with a knowing look Optimus's way, "Mix...huh, she's been helping out a lot at the clinic recently." The Medic shifted his books, glaring at the older mech to hide his blush, "She likes the sparklings." Ratchet rolled his optics teasingly, "Or someone else." Beat shook his helm and wrinkled his olfactory system, "Whatever...enough teasing Ratch...I'll see you guys later, I've got to run." The two mechs waved the blue Medic off as he pushed through the crowds and out the front door. Ratchet shook his head wearily, "That mech." Optimus chuckled, clearing a path towards the separate meeting rooms off to the side, "He will figure it out soon enough Ratchet." The Medic rolled his optics but didn't reply. The meeting hall was surprising quiet despite the surplus amount of bots littering the first floor. A meeting room opened and a distracted data clerk walked out, shaking his helm at another bot by his side, "We don't have historical techs on the third floor anymore, we moved them a floor down...I can show you if you like?" The purple femme shook her helm quickly, "That's alright, I can try and get there on my own." The femme glanced at the two of them shyly before retreating out into the packed floor. The data clerk ex-vented before he caught sight of them, straightening up with a jolt, "Optimus Prime, Ratchet...can I help you?" Optimus looked kindly down at the other mech, "Is Golden Prima in one of these meeting rooms?" The data clerk hummed, glancing down the hall to the farther doors, "She should be in meeting room 30, all the way at the end, on the right." Optimus nodded his thanks, leading Ratchet to the last of the meeting rooms. They stopped right before the last door and Ratchet knocked quickly, listening as data-pads were shuffled around and a bot came to the door. The door whooshed away and a white and gold femme stood in the doorway, smiling tiredly at the two, "Ratchet, Optimus? What's up?" Ratchet crossed his arms across his chassis, "We were just looking for you." Golden Prima tilted her helm, motioning for the pair to enter the room and sit. Ratchet glanced at the stack of datapads in front of her chair with a raise of his optic ridges, "A lot of work to do?" Golden Prima stretched her frame, hearing a satisfying click before answering, "This is it for the week...hopefully." Her optics twinkled merrily at them, "What can I do for you two?" Ratchet shared a look with Optimus and the Prime cleared his throat pipes, "We just to..."hang out" as the humans say." Golden Prima chuckled, "Okay, do you want to go back to my hab then?" Optimus shrugged, looking to Ratchet for help but the mech only gave him an encouraging look, "Here is fine." Golden Prima pushed away her work to make more room on the table, leaning back into her chair, "How was Earth?" Optimus hummed, "It was uneventful...we are very close to transferring everything over to the storage units here." The femme nodded, "Do any sight seeing while you were there?" Ratchet snorted, "No...Lennox and Anabelle did visit though." Golden Prima perked up in her seat, "How are they?" Ratchet smiled at her excitement, "They're doing fine...Anabelle is getting bigger every single time we visit." The femme's face plates twisted into a wry smile, "Humans grow faster than Cybertronians know that reminds me...have you been to Beat's clinic in a while?" Ratchet smirked, "You're talking about the femme working the admin for Beat....they're quite a pair." Golden Prima's audio fins flickered, prompting Optimus's to respond, "I know right!? I thought the same thing...Beat is so oblivious." The femme chuckled when Optimus's audio fins flickered again, making hers pop forward, "Hey, stop that...these things have a processor of their own." Optimus smiled, "I can control them as much as you can." Ratchet rolled his optics at the two, "Lucky for you, that made her cuter when she was a sparkling...otherwise her behavior would have been worse." Golden Prima faked a mock hurt look, "I was always on my best behavior." Ratchet huffed, "When you went to the clinic, yes...but you were a little scraplet as soon as you got home." The Prime looked to her Sire for backup, "I was never that bad, right?" Optimus glanced at his sparkmate with a fond look, "You were...a servoful." Golden Prima rolled her optics with a snort, "I don't really remember much." Ratchet shook his helm, "You can just ask me and First Aid how much trouble you would get into." The femme's optics twinkled with mirth, "Now I do remember the toy situation." Ratchet flushed slightly, turning to glare at his mate, "I'd almost forgotten about that." Optimus shrunk under his mate's gaze, "I did not know she would use such language trying to solve the was a gift." Golden Prima huffed, "It was fun after I figured out where that last block went." She gave Ratchet a pointed look, "Maybe if you let Sire help me I would have solved it sooner." Ratchet seemed at a loss for words but Optimus was practically preening. Golden Prima furrowed her optics ridges, "What?" Optimus cleared his throat pipes, unable to keep the warmth out of his tone and field, "Sire?" Golden Prima flushed slightly, "What? I can call you that right?" 

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