Live A Little

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Upbeat, popular music thumbed throughout the club as Golden Prima slipped inside, following after the weapon specialist, along with the rest of her entourage. Ironhide headed the group, waltzing confidently up to the bar where a mech, his paint job a mix of neon paint splatter over a black matte base, greeted him merrily over the current song, "Ironhide! Good to see you, want your usual?" Ironhide smirked, nodding at the mech before pulling Golden Prima up to the bar, "Hey ya think ya can serve her up some high-grade-something special?" The mech rolled his eyes at the dark gray specialist's teasing tone, his own smile seeping over, "I'll see what I can do." Ironhide motioned for the Prima to settle into the high bar stools, which were situated directly in sight of the rest of the bar while still remaining off to the side. No one seemed to notice her party, all focused on celebrating Cybtertron's Reform Day. The mech returned with their drinks and turned away, listing the rest of her group's orders to a mini-con, his paint job a deep purple color. The mini-con glanced at her large group wearily before starting on the drinks with his partner, different colored high-grade energon moving across the table. Golden Prima nursed her drink, eyeing her orange cocktail of high grade, the unusual color making her think of the fruity drinks back on Earth. Ironhide took a large swig of a purple twister, sighing as the mix started to spike his adrenaline. He smiled at the Prima, humming along to the beat quietly, "This is only the first part of a Cybertronian celebration!" Golden Prima threw back a sip of her own drink, pleasantly surprised at the flowery taste; she liked it, "Oh really, what else you got planned?" Ironhide watched her face plates morph into relaxation as she continued to sip at her drink, "Well after getting charged senseless, we'll go play CubeBall with a couple of friends of mine...head back to the hab-suits for a pick-me-up and go out racing with that Swerve of yours." Golden Prima rolled her optics at his knowing tone, "He's not my Swerve and I don't think he races anymore, much less with a taxi cab like you Hide." Ironhide snorted, almost spilling his drink as he laughed, "Ya got me there but I think he'll be interested...I talked to him this morning and he seemed excited as soon as I mentioned you would be there." Golden Prima tipped back the rest of her cup, the mech quickly replacing it with another, "He's just excited to relax...I haven't seen him in forever." 


Golden Prima groaned, rolling over to block out the sunlight filtering into her shared hab-suit window. She reached for the other frame occupying her berth but found no one. Golden Prima opened her optics and glanced around the room, wincing at the harsh light against her thumping helm-ache. She slowly rolled off the berth and walked tiredly into the living room, looking for her spark mate. Jetstorm and Slipstream greeted her first, they were playing the Cybertronian form of checkers. Golden Prima shook herself before taking a seat on the couch, watching their game curiously, "Who's winning?" Jetstorm moved another piece, which was immediately taken by his brother, "Slipstream." Slipstream nodded triumphantly, stealing his last piece, before turning to smile up at Golden Prima. He eyed her tired form before laughing suddenly, "You look...awful." Golden Prima rolled her optics, "Thanks Slipstream I really appreciate it." Slipstream winced, floundering to take back his statement, "I only meant, you look like you had a long night." Golden Prima raised her optic ridges with a smile, falling into a more comfortable position on the couch, "I did...or as much as I remember I did, which reminds me, where's Drift?" The brothers shared a look before showing off twin smiles, and Jetstorm answered, "He's meditating." Golden Prima blinked, "At 11:30? Doesn't he usually get done around 7:00?" Slipstream shrugged, "It must be a later session today." Golden Prima narrowed her optics thoughtfully, "There's something you're not telling me." The twins froze but shook their heads immediately. Jetstorm's field went slightly panicky as Golden Prima got up from the couch and made to leave, "Wait! Shouldn't you stay here for when he gets back? You don't have meetings until later today!" Golden Prima ex-vented, turning back to face the two mini-cons, "For the sake of whatever you have planned I will stay for now....what are you up to anyway?" Jetstorm eyed his brother and opened his intake to reply but Slipstream quickly elbowed him, answering in his place, "Nothing...we just want to spend some time with you!" Golden Prima narrowed her optics, "If you say so...I'll be in my room." The twins sighed in relief as soon as the Prima left the room. Slipstream shared a look with his brother before comming to their master, "Master Drift...Golden Prima's up and she's looking for you." Drift took a couple of minutes to fully respond, "Make sure she doesn't leave yet...setting up for her surprise party has been... interesting." Slipstream smiled softly, "With Optimus overseeing it shouldn't be too bad...right?" Drift hummed, his voice gruff, "Not entirely but I'm not sure Optimus's main concern is keeping the other twins from wrecking the place." A crash sounded just as Drift had finished his sentence and the samurai let out a sigh, "I'll be there in 20 minutes...somehow find a way to slip out before I get there." Slipstream nodded to Jetstorm before answering him confidently, "We will, Golden Prima already agreed to play along." 

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