One Life For Another

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She was dying. Rose snuck a look at her chest, oozing a mixture of red and blue as she struggled to draw a breath. She could hear the sounds of residue fighting all around her but the war was slowly subsiding as the planet sprung to life beneath their very feet. Buildings rose, blocking the sun briefly before shaping into historical comforts. They were situated at the very center of Cybertron and Rose felt emotions bubble to her throat as Icaon Halls appeared before her, standing mightly as if they had never fallen in the first place. Weopans were lowered, enemies subdued and finally, no none was left to commandeer the new planet. She sighed, the sound harsh and bated but she felt no pain...she felt nothing. A roaring cheer went up amongst the Autobots and suited N.E.S.T Team, all bruised and battered but too overcome with post-battle euphoria to care. Rose pushed herself weakly into a sitting position, spitting out blood as it rushed to her nose and mouth; the taste ionically metallic. She raised her knees up and set her arms on them, watching the team celebrate from her resting place. She smiled softly, trying to etch the beautiful surroundings into her mind before she died while also trying to ground herself a little while longer; selfishly wishing goodbyes could change to see you later. She slipped under their radar for a little while longer, but soon, eyes and optics were searching the field to catch her eye, their faces shining in admiration and awe at the transformed planet. Rose gazed at the ground, watching the pebbles shift and turn till she was no longer laying in rubble but a bronzed street she used to play in as a sparkling. Her name was called again and she forced herself to answer, keeping her voice steady as they all rushed to her, "I'm here." Lennox reached her first, his face lifted in triumphant before it slipped and he froze numbly in the street. His eyes widened in understanding and he fell to his knees at her side, his voice a hoarse whisper, ", no, no...I can', please..." His mutterings dipped into sobs as his frame shook and Rose reached out a comforting hand to tug him into a hug. Lennox gripped her tightly, crying into her shoulder as the rest of the group arrived, staring down at the two in confusion. Mitsy followed next, her face set in a small smile, going to her old friend in comfort. Mitsy squeezed a hug, around Lennox, before pulling the XO off of her, holding him tightly so the rest of the team could view her form. A resounding cry of shock and confusion rang through the group and Rose pulled herself unsteadily to her feet, Epps falling forward to steady her, tears streaming down his face. Rose breathed in deeply, the sound rattling through her chest in a harsh rattle, "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked and she reeled in her emotions, "...that I won't get to see you rebuild everything here but...I'm so-so proud of all of you." She tugged at her shirt, found the metal tags, and pulled off weakly, handing them to Mitsy with a set look, "Tell my dad that I'm so-so sorry...tell him that I forgive him." She eyed the crowd but before anyone could move a disbelieving voice met her ears, "" Ratchet stepped forward, his optics blown wide, his servo clutching at his chassis as he felt the bond slowly flutter to a stop. Rose smiled at him, feeling his pain through their bond. Ratchet quickly transformed before his holo-form leaped out, rushing toward her. He pulled her off of Epps and cradled her into him, a desperate sadness taking over him, "Let me look at your wounds...I can fix this..." Rose sighed, stopping him, "Don't. It's okay Mommabird...I'm already gone...It's okay." Ratchet only shook his head, the pain making it difficult to speak. Rose turned her eyes to the crowd looking for her other creator, but he wasn't among their group. Ironhide seemed to sense her search and turned away, hiding the fluid dripping from his optics with a harsh bark, "I'll grab the Prime." Rose relaxed into Ratchet, taking another deep breath as her vision started to blink in and out of a haze. Drift stepped to support her other side, his eyes watching her in angst as he felt their Amica Endura bond dim. Mitsy addressed the group on her behalf, "If you have anything to say to her...this is your chance." The group formed a ragged line and approached their fallen companion one at a time, trying their best to voice words without taking up to much time. For once, the team was silent, each caught up in their own grief to care about anything else and when Ironhide returned with a familiar Peterbilt, the group parted passively. Optimus Prime stared down at his mate and friend, holding their sparkling. He shuttered his optics before transforming almost in slow motion, sprinting towards the pair with a shadowed expression. He supported her other side, Drift backing away, and whispered, "My sparkling...I...this is my fault...the Matrix was too powerful..." "One life for a whole planet? I'd make the trade again and not blame yourself for this...please." Optimus's eyes widened before tears started to flow down his face, "I will try." Rose fluttered her eyes, her voice faint, "Good...don't waste your tears on me...I don't want a sad funeral...I want one of those ones where you remember the good-not the bad." A few of her soldiers chuckled at her statements but fell silent when Rose stilled. Ratchet checked her heartbeat, painfully aware of how soft it sounded in her chest. Ratchet laid her down, with the help of his spark mate, and hugged himself tightly, wishing for this to stop. Optimus came to his side, whispering comforting words into his ears but he heard nothing. The group sat there for what seemed like hours, watching Rose grow weaker and weaker until finally, she drew her last breath with a smile at the group she loved. She was gone. 

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